
Dragonborn are an unusual race in the world unlike other worlds here they have a clear origin. Dragonborn are a kind of mutant off shoot of Dragons, some born from dragon eggs like any other dragon. Instead of fully maturing into dragons they have mutated into a kind of humanoid hybrid that is the Dragonborn. Once seen as a sign of ill omen these Dragons were normally abandoned to their fate. But over the years those that survived have thrived on the Continent of Dramon. Now a days a Dragonborn can be categorized as one of two generations.
A 1st generation Dragonborn is born from a dragon egg but have mutated to a dragonborn. Often these Dragonborn are still abandoned but if a settlement is near by the dragon parents will take the young Dragonborn there to be raised among other humanoids. In rare cases these Dragonborn are raised by their dragon parent but often grow feelings of inadequacy for not being proper dragons, prompting them to leave at a young age for the race.
A 2nd generation Dragonborn is any kind of Dragonborn born from the union of two Dragonborn or a single Dragonborn parent and any other humanoid race. These Dragonborn are often born in loving traditional family homes with a mother and father like any other race. However, it should be mentioned that do to a Dragonborn’s predilection to their draconic ancestor, 2nd generation Dragonborn tend to find themselves in wealthy occupations. From land and building owners to bankers and politicians, some even find their way into places of high leadership across the world.
One thing of note to think about is the fact that Dragonborn actually do have subtle differences to them based of their country of origin. Cuveisa kin Dragonborn for example tend to be slimmer and taller looking with almost human like appearances compared to say their Vail kin, who tend to be stouter and broader with a more dragon like appearance. Versus still say their Avalon kin who tend to be average in height and general body type but share the Cuveisa Dragonborn’s more Human appearance. With Vel and Dramon kin tending to have a tall stature, with broad build and a dragon like appearance.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Something you should remember with dragonborn is that those found in the world of E’ven-dra are still dragons at heart. As such they actually have life spans completable to that of actual dragons. Most Dragonborn are birthed from an egg like any other dragon, particularly 1st generation ones. But Dragonborn and other races have been capable of reproducing as well. Dragonborn birthed from females from other races occur just as they would normally thought scholars have hinted that there is a heightened risk to the mother in cases. As such a cleric or other healer is highly recommended at such births. Otherwise if the female is Dragonborn they will lay the egg as normal. In either case the jest action period is compellable to most humanoids, 9-10 months.

Growth Rate & Stages

After hatching or being birthed Dragonborn do mature at a somewhat accelerated pace reaching full maturity at around 13-14 most have an average life span of 900-1000 years making them the oldest living player race on the planet. Among Dragon Kind they are not treated entirely as adults until they are at least 100 years of age. Elven Dragonborn are a particularly fun existence having both the expectations of their draconic and elvish heritages treating them like teenagers for nearly 90 years. 
Most first generation Dragonborn born and raised among Dragons are expected to keep up with their dragon siblings often being left to fend for themselves after the age of 5, when most dragons are considered young. In many cases the Dragon parent will bring the 5 year old dragonborn to an fellow Dragonborn friend or sibling (the Dragon’s or Dragonborn’s), or other experienced individual, often Elves or Fairies as they have similar long lives but treat their young much like the other mortal races. Here the Dragonborn is allowed to grow up without the pressures of their dragon siblings and learn what it’s like to live among the other races much sooner than their others siblings. The other outcome that occurs is the dragon parent abandons the child to the wilds and they most fend for themselves. Many a Dragonborn barbarian, druid, and ranger have come from this some for the better while others not so much. 
Because Dragonborn reach full maturity at 13-14 they are treated as young adults at around this point too regardless of what races they are dealing with. Many young adventure Dragonborn are in this age group or start seeking mentors if they did not already have one. Many Dragonborn with magical talent will have been brought to a master or mentor by their parents long ago or have been taught by the parents if they are magically inclined themselves. 
Outside of Draconic and Elven society most Dragonborn begin exploring the world around them at around the age of 15-16 if they haven’t already and treated as mature adults in most other societies when they reach about 17-18. After the first 100 years other dragons recognize them as adults and even within Dragonborn society they will be invited to be involved in family business and affaires. 
After this point most Dragonborn also come to the realization that they will outlive almost every none Dragonborn or Dragon they know. Some will reach out to Elves and make even friends but even these will likely not last as the elf enters their stages of growth after the 2nd century. A Dragonborn doesn’t experience the same things as they do and as such is left to their own thoughts until the reach 700-800 years of age. At this point like any dragon a Dragonborn is considered ancient and will begin to experience its first cereal effect. 
Once a Dragonborn reaches ancient status they begin experiencing what is called Echoing. The Echoing is when the dragonborn begins to have memories and knowledge that is not their own. Perhaps they have memories of flying across a vast expanse despite not being able to fly and they don't recognize the location. Perhaps they remember the location of a treasure hoard they are sure belongs to them despite not having one. These memories come from the draconic soul within the Dragonborn. Dragons are unique beings in that they exist across all realities at the same time. One soul in hundreds of thousands of bodies across countless realities. The Echoing is the Dragonborn become in aware of these other selves. While Dragon can more easily hind this being creatures of solitude by this point it is more easy to see in Dragonborn as they may be the center of a community or hold a position of importance given how long they can live. 
When the Echoing begins a Dragonborn may seek seclusion to make sense of this knowledge. While some may become more feral as they try to control a more beastly or primal draconic nature. Either way most Dragonborn are presumed dead by around 1000, though this may be because they are not seen again are are never found. Much like Dragon a Dragonborn’s life ends in as much a mystery. Often vanishing into the mountains or forests and never being seen again, few Dragonborn that reach old age ever undergo a funeral and because they are presumed to have died of natural causes any attempts to resurrect them have failed. 
However many scholars believe that like Dragons a Dragonborn doesn’t die instead becoming one with its draconic self and reaching great Wyrm status, melding with their primal spirit. While the Dragonborn lives they are tantamount to an Archfey or other celestial entity and it is best thought to leave them alone if one is found.

Civilization and Culture


After the Cataclysm many Dragonborn suffered persecution and hatred in parts of the world because of the Dragon Counsels interference. Those still in positions of power fallowing the events did so by either showing loyalty to the right people or proved they were still in the right to those beneath them through some show of power. As stated, before Dragonborn have thrived in the ancestral home of dragons, Dramon, and as such houses the largest population of them.
Most Dragonborn outside of Dramon follow a religious belief similar to most dragons praising divine. Worshiping members of The Divine Red Pantheon like Io, Bahamut and/or in some cases Tiamat for shaping Dragons as they are. However, some have taken to the worship of a Divine known as Godwin believed to be the first Dragonborn and the god of Fate.
Avalon Amethyst Gem Dragonborn  
Vail Red Dragonborn
Vel Brass Dragonborn
Cohn Green Dragonborn
Scientific Name
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