
Most Dwarfs call the mountains and hills of Vail home and these areas still host the highest consecrations of old dwarven kingdoms. For intent and purposes most, dwarves are the same as what you would expect. With one notable thing to remember, to most of the world they still hold a grudge against the dwarves for their inaction during the 6th Age. While many places have moved on, some pockets of resentment still exist in the world. Though this is often felt by adventurers who end up fighting some great evil that was sealed instead of defeated because there was no king of kings to go out and save the world as they were meant to. Then following the Cataclysm when many of these seals started to fail a renewed wave of irritation towards dwarves was felt. As these evils have slowly been awakening. These issues are still mostly felt in the dwarven homelands of Vail but many dwarves throughout the world know that if a seemingly impossible evil awakens chances are it came from the 6th age. This has however cause something good, a surge of Dwarven Adventures going out from the hills and mountains of the world to clean up the mess of their ancestors. In the years fallowing the 6th age many Dwarven adventures seek glory exploring the Deep Roads and the Underdark. If this sounds familiar it should, like other fantasy franchises the Dwarves created a set of underground roads connecting their mountain kingdoms with little need to go above ground. But as time passed these roads would fall victim to the monsters of the Underdark, sometimes entire settlements lost to burrowing dragons, reality altering Beholders and Aboleth, or mind controlling Ilathed (aka. Mind Flayers). That said let us point out how this effects Duergar or the Deep Dwarves as they are called in this world. There is a clear difference between the two, Duergar refers to Deep Dwarves that have been lost, body, mind, and often soul to the madness of the deep roads. In other words, this term is often only used in a remorseful manor when speaking of unfortunate people driven mad by the darkness. For all intents and purpose, Duergar is ancient dwarven for “insane”. When playing a Dwarf, you will play one of four Kin that reflect the subraces available to you as a player.
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