
Humans in the world of E’ven-dra are one of the most populous races on the planet. Highly adaptable they have managed to come to call every corner of the planet home. Either through shear will or stubbornness, in the words of an elvish scholar. “They are most certainly what you would get if you took the single best and worst trait of all other races and somehow combine them all together.” For that is both their greatest strength and weakness.   When it comes to playing a human in this world the only thing to be said is pay attention to were the game is happening and were you human is from. An Albion human and Gail Human may come from the same continent but their culture and mannerisms will shift drastically, particularly the Albion based on what part of Albion they hail from. As for appearance again look to were the human comes from a Human from Cohn (a country that takes its influence from real world japan) will more commonly be yellowish-bronze in hue, with black or dark brown hair and dark eyes. Know that isn’t to say that they all have to be like this but consider why they may be different from the norm. Do they dye their hair a different color, is one of their parents from another land were certain physical traits are more dominate than others, are they themselves from one of these other lands having traveled to the location the game is occurring. Take all of this in mind when creating your character as it can add to the emersion of the gameplay.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Most humans live about 75-80 years, and begin training in a profession around age 14 (this can mean an actual job or as a player character class), reaching full maturity between 17-20. Though for most humans societies they are considered adults at around the age of 18.
75-80 years
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