Milo the Green

Guild Master Milo (a.k.a. The Green, or The Long Lived Inventor)

Milo believe, it or not, is nearly 60 years old Kobold, born some 5-10 years before the cataclysm. He was orriginaly the servant of an acient Green Dragon that called forested foot hills of the Wiskisel mountains home. But when the ageing dragon suddenly vanished 3 years before the Cataclysm. Milo was left in the dragons home with nothing else to do and while he was not the only Kobold that served the dragon he was the smartest. When adventures came to investigate the dragons disappearance, the others of Milo's clan went on the offensive. Instead Milo hid, but saw an pertinacity when it became obvious that the adventures clearly hated having to kill them. Milo took a chance and revealed himself the group and went about helping them investigate the lair. when it became obvious that the dragon had moved on the the party took some of its hoard and left. But before they did Milo ask if he could go with them, to this day he knows they only took him with them because they though he'd make a good "meat shield". But to his and their surprise he had a knack for invention and quickly established him self with in the group. After adventuring for a while Milo eventually returned to the old lair and turned it into his workshop.
He is now one of the leading members of his field and in fact currently leads the Alchemists League as its guild master Trained as a 16th level Battle Smith Artificer
Despite his name Milo is not Green.
Chaotic Neutral
Aligned Organization


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