The Cataclysm and the Day of Rainbow Fire in E'ven-dra | World Anvil

The Cataclysm and the Day of Rainbow Fire

5 minuets, it was only 5 minuets most will people and history books will say. 5 minuets in which all of the worlds magic stopped. Arcane, Devine, Occult, and Nature it didn't matter the events of the Cataclysm resulted in all magic in the world stopping. Then it came back, it back in a surge of wild magic the likes of which most will never forget and some places would become permanent reminders of the time. This was the Cataclysm and what fallowed most will remember as the Day of Rainbow Fire  
  • Clerics and Paladins found themselves abandoned by their spirits unable to cast divine magic 
  • Warlocks lost conection to patrons that had given them and their families power for years
  • Bards and Artificer saw their magic diamante in magical explosions of Wild magic Fire 
  • Sorcerers entered catatonic states as their bodies adjusted to the changes in magic, some left paralyzed and traumatized by the event 
  • Rangers and Druids saw as nature went wild as magics kept in check for generations were lost and unleashed on a world not ready for what was coming 
  • Wizards found the spells they had spent generations tending to useless as the spells inside no longer worked as magic fundamentally changed 
In Evaro the pseudo magical devices and weapons of war they created went mad as Rainbow colored fire burned across the territory. The great Libraries of the Dragon Council burned as well as the magical Compact that bound the Council to civility burned as well. Ancient dragon fuds held at bay by the Compact were opened as seals and acient power locked away by their magic also were freed. What was left behind is the world se find ourselves in now.


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