The Church of the Radiant Light and the Sovereign Host

The Church of the Radiant Light, or just The Church as many calls it, worship a singular divine entity called the Light Father or Radiant One and then pray to it and its six Archangels. These Archangels are then collectively referred to as The Sovereign Host who individually govern one or more domains of clerical magic.

Clerics and leaders within The Church show their level of devotion and position within the church by the symbol they wear. A devote worshiper, new priest or even a deacon may carry a simple bronze sun pendent with a single orb in the center that represents the Angle they worship. While a priest may have one made of silver and a Bishop one of gold. Then Archbishops then carry a golden sun pendent with a single hole in its center and ringed by six orbs, the color of these orbs match the color of the angle they are the Archbishop of. With the Pope carrying the symbol of the Light Father, as stated above, only made of platinum. Those who are not worshipers of any one Angle, or another often will then carry silver or bronze copies of the Light father’s symbol. However, these people are often rare within the Inquisitions territory and will often not go far with in society as they are sometimes ostracized outside of the capital.
Name Domains Symbol
Light Father/ Radiant One "All" A sun with a hole in the center ringed by six orbs. Each orb a different color representing the Sovereign host.
Sirrion, Angle of Death Grave, Death, Twilight A Purple orb
Zivilyn, Angle of Wisdom Arcane, Knowledge, Trickery An Orange Orb
Sargonnas, Angle of War War, Forge A Red Orb
Chemosh, Angle of Nature Nature, Tempest A Green Orb
Branchala, Angle of Light Light, Order A Yellow Orb
Mishakal, Angle of Life Life A Blue Orb
In order to gain control of lands were the church started it's six cults divided out and each worked closely with one of the six allied Duchies of Evaro. To this day the Cults have worked tirelessly to ensure control over the families in at least two cases the current Duke of these areas are the heads of their Respected Cults. The remaining four still only tolerate but are all but under their control or the Title of Duke is on its way into the churches pocket.
Religious, Holy Order

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