The Emerald Order

The Emerald Order is government Organization used to properly train magic users and protect them and the public from themselves and the public. As a reminder many regions in Albion still have old prejudices against magic, and some back waters can often be “medieval” about their tolerance. Most members are requeued at the age of 10-11 when the Order performs what they call “The Appraisal”. This prosses is used to evaluates young children to determine their magical potential, often poor and middle-class families will use this to help their children gain gainful employment or to get them a better education. Children found to have aptitude for the Occult magics, like those used by Bards and Artificers, will have a much easier time find apprenticeships within related fields. While those found to have skill in religious magic, like that used by clerics and paladins, may find the local temple willing to have them attend additional training and masses at no additional monetary obligation. Even those found proficient or naturally talented in the Nature magic may find ranger enclaves or the local hunters and adventurers looking to take them under their wing as apprentices, maybe even finding their way into a druid grove and finding a new life among them. Most of these happen because the results of the Appraisal are freely shared with known orders and practitioners of many arts. However, those found capable of the Arcane arts can often find themselves on a totally unique road.
Those found with aptitude for the arcane arts, like those sorcerers and wizards use will find themselves officially scouted by the Emerald Order. If they are found to be sorcerers, this will forever up end their lives and world. For by Royal edict all found capable of sorcery are to be professionally trained to use their magic for their own and the public’s safety. For poor and middle-class families this means that the child is recruited into the Emerald Order and sent to the capital of the Dutchy they reside in where they undergo training at the main tower under the tutelage of fellow Mages and members of the Order. Ritch and Upper Middle-Class families, that can afford it, can elect to have the children trained in the home but must have an Order trained, or certified mage act as their tutor. This allows these children to still receive the training the Tsar requires Sorcerers and Sorceresses to undergo but allows them to avoid the second part of this process. For you see training in the Arcane arts is not cheap and taking in children from across the kingdom to properly do so just as much. For this reason, the Order receives additional founding for its existence from the crown by agreeing to the conscription of all Sorcerers within the Order. All Sorcerers undergo 4 years of proper training, till around the age of 14-15, at the main tower and are then sent to an annex facility where they undergo another 4 years of military style training at this point, they are the newest recruits of the Sacrosanct. After the military training when they are about 18-19, they serve a standard 5-year military contract as members of Mage core. It is only once they reach this point that a Sorcerer’s life truly becomes their own once more. At around the age of 23-24 they are freed from their conscription in the military and free to do pretty much three things.
First, they can choose to stay in the military, and reenlists for an additional 10 years. Those born to poor, lower end middle class families or with aspersions of greatness will often take this. As it comes with the chance to advance in military rank and potential have their life reflect a good old fashion rages to riches story. Then again even if they aren’t looking for rank, its three-square meals a day, a roof over your head, and a sense of belonging. The second, option following the end of service is probably the most common. The Sorcerer is offered a place in the emerald order as Mage of note and aloud to act as they please within the orders rules. Mages of the Order have the following ranks:
Guild, Mages


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