The Golden Trade Company

Originally started by a Gold Dragonborn, Levestro Goldclaw, he a was respected tradesman and sailor, and rather successful prior to the days of the Inquisition. However, as they took over, he saw more and more of his business taken or outright stolen. Eventually he was arrested on trumped up charges of piracy and smuggling. To some extent this was true as he was assisting the Gargoyles (later called The Vanguard) in their operations. All though its highly likely the Inquisition never knew this, as they seemed more interested in the location of his “treasure hoard”, treating him like an actual dragon that would have one. He would find himself trapped in the Vaduva prison to only be released to act as an oarsman or for hard labor. Until dyeing of miss treatment in the prison, to his old friends, like Margrave Knight Lord Aquilor Elsa Keller of The Vanguard and became a martyr among the Chapter. After this the Golden Trade Company continued but was never the same. That is until five years ago, when a "young" dwarf named Kathra Fireforge appeared claiming to have discovered the location of Goldclaw's "hidden" treasure. taking the high ranking members of the company with her to an island she was one of the only ones to return. Claiming the others had died when traps Goldclaw set up to protect the treasure went off. However many find it odd that they only other ones that returned all agreed that Kathar should take over the as leader. 
After this Kathar changed the direction of the company, over these last five years they expanded quickly and began a series of hostile takeovers, both figuratively and literally. She began hiring more and more brutes and the Golden Trade Company became a front for her pirate activities. While they are more or less pirates, they do have to keep the appearance of keeping the peace as Kathra managed to land the company a lucrative position as the Vaduva Domain's Guardian Fleet. Mostly because she bullied all the other fleets that would have been doing it out of business or pulled them into the company.
Illicit, Pirate Crew


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