E'ven-dra World timeline Timeline

World timeline

this is the time line used for major events that take place and effect the world of E'vendra as a hole.


... 0 BC

The first moments of the world and what it was

  • -1 C


    The Devastation

    The Devourer begins destroying and consuming all in its path.

Age of Dragons

1 PC 5200 PC

  • 1 BC

    1 BC


    The First Dance
    Religious event

    The first time that the Dance of Kings is performed.

The Age of Hero's

5210 PC 5999 PC

The Sylvan Age

6000 PC 9000 PC

  • 9000 BC

    25 Avamar
    9020 BC

    25 Avamar

    The Tenth Dance
    Religious event

The Age of Humans

9000 PC 12550 PC

  • 9000 PC

    25 Avamar
    9020 PC

    25 Avamar

    The Tenth Dance
    Religious event

  • 9020 PC

    26 Avamar
    10000 PC

    24 Avamar

    The Reign of the First Savenguard
    Religious event

  • 10000 PC

    25 Avamar
    10001 PC

    25 Avamar

    The Eleventh Dance
    Religious event

  • 10001 PC

    25 Avamar
    11000 PC

    24 Avamar

    The Reign of the Second Savenguard
    Religious event

  • 11000 PC

    25 Avamar
    11001 PC

    24 Avamar

    The Twelfth Dance
    Religious event

  • 11001 PC

    25 Avamar
    12000 PC

    24 Avamar

    The Reign of the Third Savenguard
    Religious event

  • 11550 PC

    20 Flittol

    The Founding of The Church of the Radiant Light
    Political event

    Villia Romanoff marries into the Roamansky, branch of the Savengaurd family of Avalon. Under their influence Villia pushes for the establishment of the The Church of the Radiant Light worshiping the spirit known as the Light Father

  • 11675 PC

    21 Uthendail

    The Establishment of the Evarian Inquisition

    After several Terror attacks the Church of Radiant Light demands that the Albion begin an official Inquisition into the actions of certain groups of interest. the Church quickly takes over the organization and turns it into their own private army of religious zealots. claiming a "holy war" against the enemies of Albion.

  • 11995 PC

    15 Ivoden

    The Siege of Roma
    Disaster / Destruction

    The an Adult Red Dragon attacks the capitol Albion, Roma, and makes the city its new lair.

  • 11995 PC

    16 Avamar
    12553 PC

    26 Avamar

    The Terror of the Inquisition
    Plague / Epidemic

    it might as well had been a plague, without the King of kings and the Romanoff's to keep the Inquisition contained within Albion. The Inquisition began a long campaign of terror.

  • 11995 PC

    16 Avamar

    The Evarian Coupe

    The Inquisition successfully leads a coup d'etat against the Romanoff family using their inability to protect the capitol to strike up a vote of no confidence among the other Ducal House. Using a mixture of black mail and military action, they secure the 13 votes needed. However they are forced to recognize a cavoite by the other families that should the Romanoff's reclaim Roma the Inquisition and by extension the Roamansky are to immediately return power to them.

  • 12000 PC

    24 Avamar
    12500 PC

    16 Barsa

    The Thirteenth Dance
    Religious event

  • 12000 PC

    14 Alecun

    The shadow of the Shoku War
    Life, Death

    the Emperor of Cohn dies 5 months after the start of the 13th dance, leavening no clear heir.

  • 12000 PC

    1 Braunvu
    12450 PC

    16 Soveliss

    The Shoku War

    Cohn falls into Civil War as Daimyo rush to gather power and assert dominance over the fledgling emperor and their non existent court.

  • 12025 PC

    1 Flittol
    12553 PC

    26 Avamar

    The Gargoyle Resistance
    Civil action

    A group of Albion citizens, nationals, and others with vested interests in seeing the Inquisitions fall reach out to the Romanoff family and begin to act as Rebel force acting in the interest of the Albion people. The leaders of this group would become the Gargoyles.

  • 12450 PC

    16 Soveliss
    12552 PC

    20 Avamar

    the Shoku Authority
    Era beginning/end

    Senso Date Hejen begins his military dictatorship with a puppet emperor on the thrown of Cohn.

  • 12500 PC

    16 Arogon

    The Reign of the Fourth Savenguard
    Religious event

    The Made Sorcerer Uelros Savengaurd is made king of kings, may the King of Spirts have mercy on our souls.

  • 12522 PC

    Death of a Gargoyle
    Life, Death

    The Gargoyle, Solomon is killed in a brutal betrayal while freeing Evarian slaves from a slave camp.

  • 12530 PC

    9 Arogon

    The Founding of the Seekers of a New World

    A group of like minded adventurers begin to plan on changing the foundation of the world.

  • 12532 PC

    6 Adravon
    12533 PC

    17 Uthendail

    The 1st Hien Revolution

    Hien Windstrider makes his first attempt to free the Emperor of Cohn and defeat the Senso Date Hejen. The Revolution lasted all of five months and saw almost all of Hien's forces wiped out by the overwhelming military of Hejen's forces. never even reaching the capitol Hien flees the continent to regroup and plan.

  • 12550 PC

    10 Uthendail

    The Black Dawn Leave Departs
    Civil action

    The Black Dawn leave the port of Elms in Albion, On board are an unlikely set of individuals that while not obtaining much for themselves would set into motion a series of events that would result in great many changes.

The Final Years of BC

12550 PC 12554 PC

  • 12550 PC

    10 Uthendail

    The Black Dawn Leave Departs
    Civil action

    The Black Dawn leave the port of Elms in Albion, On board are an unlikely set of individuals that while not obtaining much for themselves would set into motion a series of events that would result in great many changes.

  • 12551 PC

    9 Ivoden

    Siege of Red Gate
    Disaster / Destruction

    The acting capital of Vailforge is attacked by an Inquisition death squad. thankfully with the help of several adventures, including Reguel Rathecur and Hien Windstrider.

  • 12551 PC

    10 Ivoden

    The Founding of the Vailforge Republic

    Up until now Vailforge acted as a loose coalition of guilds that guarded the region, but following the attack on Red Gate the leading guilds made the decision to centralize the Vailfoge government and establish a true Republic governed by the leading guilds of Vailforge.

  • 12551 PC

    20 Alecun

    Azrael Freed
    Life, Supernatural

    The Chosen of Sala The Night Queen is freed from his imprisonment by The Seekers of a New World.

  • 12552 PC

    20 Avamar

    The 2nd Hien Revolution

    Hien returns this time with friends and allies. Members of the Gargoyles with connections back to Cohn have come to aid him in his 2nd attempt at revolution and his actions have spoken louder to the local Daimyo who have strongly disliked Hejen's military dictatorships. With these allies Hien is able to send in a band of mercenaries lead by his uncle Thamior Kah to defeat Hejen and his fellow warlords.

  • 12552 PC

    21 Avamar

    The Hein Period
    Era beginning/end

    With the revolution a success Hien assists the Emperor in setting up a proper government with the Emperor as the central political figure. Think very much like the a British government, were the Emperor still has final Political authority but also allows the people of Cohn to partially rule themselves. Electing members of parliament to represent the common folk and creating a group of lords for the nobility.

  • 12553 PC

    26 Avamar 12:00

    The Inquisitions Folly
    Disaster / Destruction

    This was the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back. On this day the Inquisition in an attempt to show technological superiority and military force set of several pseudo magical devices, latter only known as Follies, as in the Inquisitions Follies, that erupted in massive explosions across several major location,

    • A major trade city in Cohn celebrating the 1 year anniversary of the Hien Period
    • A small mountain village in the Jagged Crown Mountains of Albion, hiding the Gargoyles main base
    • the city of Titan in Titan's Grave
    • The City of Music in Dramon's Thayon Desert
    • A fishing village in Gail used to give freed Evarian slaves a new start
    • The city of Dracul in Avalon
    • The capitol city of the Fairmay Familia in Balies

  • 12553 PC

    26 Avamar 13:00

    Valtair is Freed
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Insane Githyanki Wizard and master of the Red Wizards is freed from his prison when adventurers attempt to use a "wish' promised by him to stop the Primordials. to bad they forgot to talk with their party and didn't consider the hubris and wording of their wish. OH, WELL!!

  • 12553 PC

    26 Avamar 13:00
    12553 PC

    30 Flittol

    Primordial's Unleashed
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    the resulting explosion from several Follies going off release a massive amount of Chaotic energy causing burrier between the material plan and elemental chaos to weaken, allowing 4 primordial entities to be released.

    • A living back hole in Albion 
    • A walking super volcano in Dramon 
    • An actual ice age in Cohn 
    • A tsunami in Titan 

  • 12553 PC

    30 Avamar

    The Dragon Dies

    In need of powerful items a the hero's of the Hien revolution aide the surviving Gargoyles in preparing to kill the Red Dragon still in Roma. Fearing the Inquisition stupid enough to use the Follies on it, the Gargoyles gather a team to enter Roma and Slay the Dragon at last.

  • 12553 PC

    10 Flittol

    End of the Cold Summer
    Disaster / Destruction

    The living Ice Age Primordial is the first of the primordials killed by heroes, in Cohn. After gathering ancient artifacts known as Remnants of Power the Primordial is slain ending the Cold Summer

  • 12553 PC

    30 Flittol

    The Death of the Void
    Life, Death

    The Living Black Hole Primordial is killed in the remains of the city of old Dracul in Avalon. Ending the final threat of the Primordials.

  • 12553 PC

    1 Adravon

    The Decay of the Inquisition
    Political event

    with the death of the Red Dragon controlling the City of Roma, the Albion Nobles begin a major push against the Evarian Inquisition. with almost every major country in the world against them and the no alleys in a position to aid the Inquisition begins loosening control of Albion.

  • 12554 PC

    10 Flittol

    The Cataclysm
    Era beginning/end

    the end of the World as it once was. The Seekers of a New World attempt to use an ancient magical spell to rewrite reality. while not a complete success several things are for ever changed.