Reginald Calloway Character in Eȁ | World Anvil

Reginald Calloway

Mr Reginal Calloway (a.k.a. Reginald)

Reginald Calloway is a distinguished gentleman in his fifties, bearing the regal air of a man who has seen much in his lifetime. His silver-gray hair is meticulously groomed, and his neatly trimmed beard and mustache accentuate his well-defined features. He stands at an average height with an impeccably straight posture, his lean frame suggesting a certain athleticism in his past. Calloway's unflappable demeanor is a source of comfort to the residents of Aurelian House. He is known for his unwavering professionalism, an unfaltering commitment to his duties, and an impeccable attention to detail. Beneath his reserved exterior lies a wealth of knowledge and wisdom, and he is an invaluable source of information and guidance for those who seek it. While he rarely discusses his past as a duellist, there is a sense of unspoken respect and admiration from those who work alongside him, knowing that Calloway's steadfast presence can weather any storm.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

eginald Calloway is the epitome of grace and poise. He carries himself with an unwavering air of authority and confidence, a testament to his years of experience as a butler and his prior life as a duellist. His actions are precise and unhurried, and his words are measured and articulate.
1.75 metres

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