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Warden Vermithrax

Warden Vermithrax "the Scaleless," a hulking Goliath scarred by both experience and demonic influence, presides over The Cage of Mubeasau. Once a stalwart warrior of his mountain tribe, Vermithrax fell prey to the alluring whispers of a succubus known only as "Nightbloom." Now, his imposing 7-foot frame, etched with runes and hardened by years of battle, casts a monstrous shadow over the prison, his shaved head and gleaming amber eyes burning with a predatory hunger.   His once pristine plate armor lies abandoned, replaced by a hodgepodge of leather straps and scavenged pieces, adorned with twisted fetishes of bone and obsidian. Blood-smeared tattoos, depicting scenes of torture and sacrifice, crawl across his slate-grey skin, pulsing with an unholy luminescence under the flickering torches. A cruel smile, perpetually etched on his cracked lips, reveals jagged fangs filed to needle points, a chilling reminder of his recent bloodlust.   Nightbloom's influence seethes within Vermithrax, twisting his once disciplined mind into a labyrinth of sadistic pleasures. He delights in orchestrating the suffering of his inmates, turning The Cage into a living nightmare. Torture is no longer mere punishment; it's a perverse entertainment, orchestrated with macabre theatricality. Prisoners are hung from chains, branded with arcane sigils, and experimented upon with twisted alchemical concoctions, their screams forming a grotesque chorus that echoes through the dank corridors.   Vermithrax himself participates in the torture, his inhuman strength amplified by Nightbloom's dark gifts. He relishes the crack of bone under his fist, the sizzle of flesh against his searing touch. His voice, once a guttural command, now drips with honeyed menace, weaving promises of oblivion while relishing the terror in his victims' eyes.   However, beneath the veneer of monstrous glee, a sliver of the old Vermithrax remains. Occasionally, a flicker of regret crosses his features, a ghost of the warrior who valued honor and duty. But Nightbloom's grip is tight, her whispered enticements drowning out any glimmer of conscience. With each act of depravity, Vermithrax descends further into darkness, losing himself to the intoxicating power of his demonic patron and transforming The Cage into a hell on earth, ruled by a fallen warden and his seductive mistress of shadows.
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