Air Plane Geographic Location in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Air Plane


The Air Plane, also known as the Elemental Plane of Air, defies traditional notions of geography. Boundless skies and swirling air currents define this realm, making fixed locations scarce and fluid. However, recurring features and elemental forces create distinct regions with their own unique characteristics:   1. Endless Skies: The dominant feature is the vast, ever-shifting sky. Filled with vibrant hues of azure, gold, and violet, it shimmers with celestial light and is crisscrossed by swirling clouds. These clouds range from fluffy billows to colossal stormwracks, acting as platforms, islands, and even mobile environments.   2. Elemental Currents: Powerful air currents carve through the plane, shaping landscapes and creating treacherous pathways. Some are balmy zephyrs carrying whispers of distant lands, while others are howling gales that test even the most resilient fliers. Expert navigators use these currents to their advantage, soaring between regions with incredible speed.   3. Vortexes and Whirlpools: In areas where elemental forces clash, whirling vortexes of air form. These can be terrifying maelstroms that swallow the unwary, or calmer regions pulsating with potent magical energy. Some even lead to other planes or hidden pockets within the Air Plane itself.   4. Floating Islands: Scattered through the skies are islands formed from solidified magic, petrified clouds, or even the wreckage of ancient sky cities. These islands offer sanctuary, resources, and unique ecosystems, each reflecting the nature of its formation.   5. Elemental Realms: At the edges of the Air Plane, borders with other elemental planes exist. The border with the Plane of Fire might manifest as a swirling wall of scorching winds, while the border with the Plane of Water could be a vast, ever-shifting mist sea.


The Air Plane's ecosystem defies terrestrial logic, existing in a dynamic interplay of wind, magic, and unique lifeforms. Here's a glimpse into its wonders:   1. Energy Source:  
  • Winds: The lifeblood of the plane, carrying nutrients, shaping landscapes, and powering flight. Gentle breezes nurture ethereal plants, while violent storms forge new islands and scatter magical seeds.
  • Elemental Residue: Residual energies from other planes permeate the air, creating diverse environments. Pockets of fire elemental residue might nourish heat-resistant flora, while water droplets imbued with ice elemental essence could form temporary floating glaciers.
  2. Lifeforms:  
  • Adapted Organisms: Creatures native to the Air Plane have evolved remarkable adaptations. Sky whales filter plankton from swirling air currents, while cloud sprites weave themselves from mist and lightning. Some possess levitation abilities or manipulate air pressure to create sonic blasts.
  • Elemental Beings: Djinn, elementals, and other magical entities thrive here. Air elementals coalesce from pure air, while djinn utilize the plane's magic to manifest powerful spells and illusions.
  • Migratory Travelers: Creatures from other planes visit for specific reasons. Griffons migrate through on seasonal currents, while astral creatures drawn to the plane's pure magic might briefly inhabit the skies.
  3. Interactions:  
  • Symbiotic Relationships: Many creatures rely on each other for survival. Air sprites pollinate ethereal flowers, while sky whales provide shelter for smaller creatures within their vast forms. These relationships create a delicate balance.
  • Resource Competition: Not all interactions are peaceful. Some creatures compete for air currents rich in elemental residue, leading to aerial skirmishes and territorial disputes.
  • Impact on Environment: Powerful creatures like storm giants can manipulate air currents, creating temporary storms or dispersing clouds, influencing the ecosystem around them.
  4. Environmental Challenges:  
  • Shifting Terrain: The ever-changing nature of the Air Plane presents constant challenges. Navigating unpredictable winds, escaping sudden vortexes, and adapting to fluctuating elemental energies require resilience and skill.
  • Scarce Resources: Solid ground and freshwater are rare, making survival for non-adapted creatures difficult. Finding safe havens and sources of sustenance can be a major concern.
  • Magical Fluctuations: Pockets of intense magic can be beneficial or dangerous. Some grant temporary power, while others can warp minds or cause mutations.

Localized Phenomena

Natural Phenomena:

  • Whispering Winds: Certain air currents carry echoes of past conversations, allowing skilled listeners to eavesdrop on events from distant locations or even hear historical snippets from bygone eras.
  • Luminous Storms: These storms crackle with vibrant colors and emit harmless, yet dazzling, displays of light, attracting celestial creatures and adventurers seeking breathtaking spectacles.
  • Songbird Migration: Periodically, vast flocks of magical songbirds migrate through the plane, creating shimmering rivers of color and sound that revitalize the environment and inspire awe.
  • Gravity Rifts: Localized areas where gravity fluctuates wildly, creating opportunities for acrobatic maneuvers, treacherous falls, and the formation of bizarre floating structures.
  • Echoing Canyons: Deep within massive storm clouds, canyons of compressed air hold echoes of powerful spells and screams, potentially driving those who linger too long insane.

Weather Phenomena:

  • Rainbow Whirlwinds: These mesmerizing, yet perilous, vortexes shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, granting temporary luck or misfortune to those caught within.
  • Stardust Showers: On rare occasions, celestial tears, resembling shimmering stardust, rain down, temporarily imbuing touched creatures with minor magical abilities.
  • Whispering Gales: These ghostly winds carry murmurs and warnings, foreshadowing upcoming events or revealing hidden dangers to those attuned to their whispers.
  • Zephyr Walls: Walls of gentle wind can be summoned or manipulated by powerful air mages, acting as barriers, transportation routes, or even living shields.
  • Elemental Furies: When elemental forces clash violently, localized storms erupt, unleashing blasts of fire, ice, or lightning that reshape the landscape and challenge even the most resilient travelers.

Supernatural Phenomena:

  • Sky Mirrors: These shimmering portals reflect fragments of other realities, offering glimpses into different planes or revealing hidden truths about the past or future. However, gazing into them for too long can trap the viewer in their reflected reality.
  • Cloud Cities: Ethereal cities formed from solidified magic and dreams exist within the plane, inhabited by mischievous cloud sprites and offering cryptic riddles or fleeting boons to worthy visitors.
  • Whispering Statues: Ancient statues carved from solidified wind stand amidst the clouds, whispering forgotten lore and secrets to those who can decipher their cryptic language.
  • Starlight Beacons: Beacons of concentrated starlight scattered across the plane grant temporary flight or enhanced magical abilities to those who bathe in their ethereal glow.
  • Dream Weavers: Elusive beings who reside within the plane's fabric weave dreams into reality, creating captivating illusions or even altering memories of those who encounter them.


Unlike the stable climates of many worlds, the Air Plane's climate exists in a state of constant flux, shaped by the whims of powerful winds and volatile elemental energies. While there are some general trends, expect the unexpected!  

General Characteristics:

  • Vast Temperature Swings: Due to the lack of solid ground and the ever-shifting nature of air currents, temperatures can vary drastically within short distances. One moment you could be basking in the warm glow of a luminous storm, the next facing the icy bite of a swirling vortex.
  • Highly Variable Winds: From gentle zephyrs to howling gales, the wind is omnipresent and ever-changing. Currents can shift abruptly, creating unpredictable weather patterns and challenging even the most experienced navigators.
  • Low Pressure: The high altitude and lack of solid ground contribute to a lower atmospheric pressure than encountered on most material planes. This can affect creatures unaccustomed to it, causing fatigue and requiring adjustments to magical effects.
  • Fluctuating Humidity: Depending on the location and recent weather events, humidity can range from bone-dry within desert-like air currents to near-saturation within misty regions influenced by the Plane of Water.

Fauna & Flora

The Air Plane's unique environment fosters a diverse range of lifeforms adapted to this realm of swirling winds and elemental energies. Here's a glimpse into this fantastical ecology:  


  • Aeris Blooms: Delicate flowers that pulsate with bioluminescent light, feeding on air currents and releasing sweet nectar that grants temporary levitation.
  • Cloud Vines: These ethereal vines anchor to air currents, forming bridges and platforms, and house colonies of symbiotic cloud sprites.
  • Sky Spires: Hardy cacti-like plants adapted to harsh winds, storing water and nutrients within their spiny bodies.
  • Dreamgrass: This shimmering grass whispers thoughts and emotions into the minds of those who touch it, used by dream weavers and fortune tellers.
  • Elemental Crystals: Rare formations where concentrated elemental energy solidifies into vibrant crystals, used in powerful magic and prized by collectors.


  • Sky Whales: Gigantic creatures that filter plankton from air currents, providing shelter and resources for smaller creatures within their vast forms.
  • Cloud Sprites: Mischievous beings made of mist and lightning, weaving pranks on travelers and guarding hidden secrets within the clouds.
  • Zephyr Birds: These graceful birds ride the air currents, singing hauntingly beautiful melodies and carrying messages over vast distances.
  • Storm Hawks: Fierce predators with lightning-fast reflexes, often found circling storms and scavenging debris.
  • Stardust Salamanders: Small creatures immune to magical fire, inhabiting pockets infused with elemental residue.
  • Luminous Butterflies: Their wings shimmer with starlight, attracted to the energy and aiding navigators lost in the vastness.

Ecological Interactions:

  • Symbiosis: Many creatures rely on each other for survival. Sky whales provide shelter for smaller creatures, while cloud sprites pollinate aeris blooms.
  • Predator-Prey: Storm hawks hunt zephyr birds, while cloud sprites trick unwary travelers into traps created by carnivorous plants.
  • Resource Competition: Sky whales compete for plankton-rich air currents, while different species clash for access to elemental crystals.
  • Impact on Environment: Powerful creatures like storm giants can manipulate air currents, impacting weather patterns and sculpting cloud formations.

Unique Adaptations:

  • Flight adaptations: From buoyant feathers to bioluminescent skin flaps, creatures possess diverse methods of navigating the swirling air.
  • Elemental resistance: Some lifeforms are resistant or even thrive in specific elemental environments, like fire salamanders or ice-crystal moths.
  • Sensory enhancements: Keen eyesight, echolocation, and even wind divination allow creatures to navigate the ever-shifting landscape.

Natural Resources

While lacking traditional resources like wood and stone, the Air Plane offers a unique variety of treasures for those wise enough to seek them. Here are some ideas to pique your imagination:   Elemental Essence:  
  • Elemental Residues: Traces of elemental energies linger at borders with other planes, used in powerful magic and crafting enchanted items. Fire residue might forge heat-resistant armor, while water residue could imbue items with healing properties.
  • Solidified Magic: Rare pockets of concentrated magic crystallize into vibrant gemstones, powering spells, fueling magical constructs, and offering captivating beauty. Think shimmering wind crystals, crackling lightning gems, or swirling mists solidified into ethereal pearls.
  • Air Essence: Pure, concentrated air essence, captured in specially crafted containers, fuels magical flight, enhances wind-based spells, and grants temporary levitation to those who inhale it.
  Living Resources:  
  • Sky Whale Tears: These shimmering tears possess healing properties and grant temporary resistance to wind and lightning damage. Harvesting them ethically requires respecting the whales and offering symbolic gifts.
  • Cloud Sprite Silk: Woven from moonlight and mist, this ethereal silk is incredibly light, resistant to magic, and allows for silent movement, making it prized by stealthy characters and spellcasters. Obtaining it often involves negotiation or cunning barters with the mischievous sprites.
  • Stardust: Gathered from rare showers or extracted from fallen stars, stardust imbues weapons and armor with celestial magic, offering resistance to darkness and granting minor radiant damage. However, acquiring it may involve facing hazardous celestial storms or negotiating with elusive stargazers.
  Artifacts and Trophies:  
  • Echo Stones: Formed from petrified whispers, these stones capture fragments of past conversations, allowing skilled users to eavesdrop on historical events or even hear echoes of their own future choices. Ethical concerns surround their use, as tampering with the flow of time can have unforeseen consequences.
  • Storm Rider Feathers: Harvested from legendary creatures that ride the fiercest storms, these feathers grant temporary resistance to lightning and allow the user to sense approaching tempests. Obtaining them usually involves braving perilous aerial challenges.
  • Sky Maps: Crafted from solidified wind patterns and infused with stardust, these maps reveal hidden pathways through the ever-shifting currents of the plane, essential for safe navigation and uncovering hidden locations. Acquiring them might involve deciphering ancient riddles or completing tasks for powerful air elementals.
Plane of Existence


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