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Ambassador Selene Nightsong

Feakrith's official ambassador to Purywadeva, tasked with fostering positive relations and facilitating trade agreements with foreign powers. Ambassador Nightsong is fluent in multiple languages and cultures, making her adept at navigating diplomatic complexities in the bustling port town.  
  • Race: Elf
  • Description: Selene Nightsong possesses ethereal beauty, with long, flowing silver hair and graceful movements. She wears elaborate robes adorned with celestial motifs, reflecting her affinity with nature.
  • Personality: Selene is eloquent and perceptive, with a deep understanding of diplomatic intricacies. She is dedicated to fostering alliances and promoting cultural exchange between Feakrith and other nations.
  • Memorable Tidbit: Selene is an accomplished harpist and often performs traditional elven melodies at diplomatic gatherings, earning admiration for her musical talent.


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