Bahamut Character in Ealathra | World Anvil
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The Platinum Dragon Bahamut

the Platinum dragon, god of metallic dragons

Divine Domains

Metalic dragons Lawful Good.

Tenets of Faith

Bahamut's teachings emphasize the importance of justice, protection of the weak, and the relentless pursuit of evil. His followers are encouraged to act with honor and integrity in all things, to show mercy to those who seek redemption, and to be unwavering in their defense of the innocent.  
  • Justice: Uphold the law and seek to bring those who harm others to account for their actions.
  • Protection: Defend the weak, the innocent, and the defenseless against all forms of harm.
  • Nobility: Act with honor and integrity, and strive to be a paragon of virtue in all your endeavors.
  • Mercy: Show compassion and offer redemption to those who seek it genuinely.
  • Courage: Face danger and adversity with bravery, and never back down in the face of evil.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

1. Uphold Justice Across Ealathra: Bahamut’s primary goal is to ensure that justice prevails throughout Ealathra. This involves supporting and guiding those who seek to establish fair laws, adjudicate disputes impartially, and punish wrongdoing appropriately. His divine influence is often seen in the form of inspired judges, paladins, and leaders who act with integrity and fairness.   2. Protect the Innocent and Defenseless: Bahamut is deeply committed to the protection of the innocent and defenseless. His followers are tasked with safeguarding communities from external threats, be they marauding bandits, monstrous creatures, or dark magical forces. Temples dedicated to Bahamut often serve as sanctuaries for those seeking refuge.   3. Combat Evil in All Its Forms: A relentless adversary of evil, Bahamut seeks to combat malevolent forces wherever they arise. This includes thwarting the schemes of evil deities, banishing undead, defeating tyrants, and dismantling corrupt organizations. His followers often find themselves on quests to root out and destroy evil influences.   4. Promote Honor and Virtue: Bahamut aims to foster a culture of honor, integrity, and virtuous living among the people of Elathra. He encourages acts of bravery, selflessness, and nobility. By promoting these values, Bahamut hopes to create a society where individuals are inspired to live up to the highest standards of conduct.   5. Encourage Mercy and Redemption: While justice is paramount, Bahamut also believes in the power of mercy and redemption. He seeks to offer a path to redemption for those who genuinely repent for their misdeeds. His temples often provide guidance and support for those seeking to make amends and change their ways.   6. Preserve and Spread Knowledge of Goodness: Bahamut aims to preserve and disseminate knowledge that promotes goodness and righteousness. His followers include scholars and sages dedicated to recording and teaching the principles of justice, honor, and protection. Libraries and schools attached to Bahamut’s temples serve as centers of learning and moral instruction.   7. Oppose the Influence of Tiamat: One of Bahamut’s enduring goals is to oppose the influence of Tiamat, the Queen of Chromatic Dragons. He strives to thwart her plans, weaken her followers, and ultimately, diminish her power. This often leads to direct confrontations between their respective followers and divine manifestations.   8. Inspire and Support Heroes: Bahamut seeks to inspire individuals to become heroes who champion his causes. He provides divine support to those who prove their worth through acts of courage and selflessness. This can manifest as divine visions, blessings, or even direct intervention in critical moments.   9. Maintain Cosmic Balance: Bahamut’s ultimate goal is to maintain the cosmic balance between good and evil, ensuring that neither side gains undue dominance. He understands that while evil cannot be completely eradicated, its influence must be kept in check to allow goodness to thrive.   10. Establish a Golden Age of Peace and Prosperity: In the long term, Bahamut envisions a golden age for Elathra, where peace, prosperity, and righteousness prevail. He works tirelessly through his followers to create a society where justice is upheld, the innocent are protected, and the principles of honor and mercy guide all actions.   By defining these divine goals, Bahamut’s followers in Elathra have clear objectives to strive towards, ensuring that their actions align with the principles of justice, protection, and virtue that their deity embodies

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Origins and Birth: Bahamut, known as the Platinum Dragon, emerged at the dawn of creation from the breath of the first celestial dragon, Io. Born amidst the shimmering light of the celestial heavens, Bahamut was imbued with the essence of justice, mercy, and protection. His scales, as radiant as pure platinum, reflected his divine nature and his role as a beacon of hope and righteousness.   Early Divine Acts: In the early days, Bahamut wandered the nascent world of Ealathra, guiding and protecting the fledgling mortal races. He took on the role of a teacher, instilling in them the principles of justice and honor. Legends tell of his interactions with ancient civilizations, where he appeared in various forms to impart wisdom and intervene in times of dire need.   The Great War Against Tiamat: Bahamut’s most defining period came with the rise of his nemesis, Tiamat, the Queen of Chromatic Dragons. Tiamat, driven by her insatiable lust for power and domination, sought to corrupt and conquer Ealathra. This led to a cataclysmic conflict between the forces of good and evil, known as the Dragon War. Bahamut rallied the metallic dragons, celestial beings, and mortal champions to oppose Tiamat’s hordes of chromatic dragons and dark minions. The war raged for centuries, culminating in a titanic battle where Bahamut personally confronted Tiamat. Though neither deity could vanquish the other completely, Bahamut’s efforts thwarted Tiamat’s ambitions and preserved the balance of the world.   Establishing His Faith: Following the Dragon War, Bahamut turned his attention to solidifying his presence in Ealathra. He established temples and sanctuaries dedicated to his worship, spreading the tenets of justice, protection, and mercy. Paladins and clerics devoted to Bahamut became renowned across the land for their unwavering commitment to righteousness. These holy warriors often received divine guidance from Bahamut, who continued to manifest in dreams and visions, inspiring acts of heroism and virtue.   The Creation of the Draconic Code: To provide a moral framework for his followers, Bahamut dictated the Draconic Code, a set of laws and principles emphasizing the importance of honor, duty, and compassion. This code became the foundation of many legal systems in Ealathra and was revered as a sacred text by those who followed the Platinum Dragon. The code also served as a guide for dragons themselves, promoting harmony between metallic dragons and the mortal races.   Interactions with Mortals: Throughout history, Bahamut often walked among mortals in disguise, testing their hearts and guiding those with potential. Tales abound of an old man or a wise hermit who would appear in times of crisis, only to reveal himself as Bahamut after imparting crucial lessons or providing aid. These stories reinforced the belief that Bahamut was always watching over the faithful, ready to lend his support in their darkest hours.     The Eternal Vigil: In modern times, Bahamut remains a vigilant guardian of Ealathra. His influence can be seen in the valor of knights, the wisdom of judges, and the selflessness of healers. His eternal struggle against Tiamat continues, with his followers serving as the frontline defense against her insidious plots. Bahamut’s presence is a constant reminder that as long as there is justice to be upheld and innocence to be protected, the Platinum Dragon will be there to guide and inspire.     Legacy and Influence: Bahamut’s legacy is one of hope, justice, and unwavering commitment to the greater good. His temples, adorned with platinum and silver, stand as beacons of light across Ealathra. The Platinum Dragon is more than just a deity; he is a symbol of the potential for greatness within every soul, a divine force dedicated to fostering a world where honor and compassion reign supreme.
Divine Classification

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