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Captain Thalvorn Stormgazer

Commander of the Feakrith Naval Garrison stationed in Purywadeva. Captain Stormgazer oversees maritime security and defense, ensuring that the town is protected from pirate raids and other threats. His leadership inspires confidence among the town's residents and visiting sailors.  
  • Race: Triton
  • Description: Thalvorn Stormgazer has an imposing presence with aquamarine skin, sharp features, and a warrior's build. He wears a polished trident insignia on his uniform, denoting his rank.
  • Personality: Thalvorn is stoic yet fiercely protective of Purywadeva and its inhabitants. He is a strategic thinker with a deep respect for naval traditions and a strong sense of duty.
  • Memorable Tidbit: Captain Stormgazer has a pet octopus named Inkwell, which accompanies him on patrols and has become somewhat of a mascot among the town's children.


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