Celestia Geographic Location in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Soaring high above the clouds, bathed in perpetual sunlight, lies Celestia, the plane of lawful good. Here, majestic mountains of pure silver pierce the sky, their peaks adorned with glittering cities of marble and gold. Lush meadows bloom with vibrant flowers, watered by crystalline rivers flowing with liquid light. Gentle breezes carry the faint melody of celestial harps, and an aura of serenity permeates the very air.  

Six Layers of Virtue:

Celestia is divided into six distinct layers, each representing a different ideal:  
  • Seraphdom: The lowest layer, shrouded in soft light, embodies charity and kindness. Peaceful groves offer solace and reflection, while benevolent angels tend to the needs of weary travelers.
  • Zephyria: Gentle winds caress this serene layer, reflecting the virtues of honesty and justice. Towering libraries hold ancient knowledge, while wise solars offer guidance to those seeking truth.
  • Mount Celestia: The central hub, crowned by the magnificent City of Silver, embodies law and order. Gleaming palaces house celestial bureaucrats, while disciplined guards patrol the streets.
  • Astraldom: Glittering constellations dance across the celestial dome of this layer, representing wisdom and enlightenment. Meditative gardens and floating libraries offer access to cosmic knowledge.
  • Solandria: Bathed in brilliant sunlight, this layer embodies valor and heroism. Training grounds echo with the clash of weapons, while celestial warriors hone their skills against worthy opponents.
  • Empyrean: The highest layer, shrouded in ethereal mists, embodies purity and divine perfection. Here, the air crackles with holy energy, and only the most virtuous souls can tread its sacred ground.

Unique Locations:

  Beyond the seven layers, Celestia boasts unique locations:
  • The Astral Sea: A swirling ocean of starlight connects Celestia to other planes, guarded by majestic Astral Devas.
  • The Crystal Gardens: A serene haven brimming with vibrant flora and fauna, rumored to house ancient secrets.
  • The Celestial Archive: A vast library containing the recorded history of all creation, protected by vigilant sphinx guardians.
  • The Well of Souls: A mystical spring said to grant glimpses into the past and future, but at a perilous cost.


Soaring above, bathed in eternal light, Celestia boasts a layered ecosystem of virtue. Seraphdom's meadows teem with benevolent angels, Zephyria's winds whisper through libraries of knowledge, and Elysium's fields burst with playful sprites. Mount Celestia, the central hub, houses disciplined guards and gleaming palaces, while Astraldom's constellations dance around serene gardens and floating libraries. Bathed in sunlight, Solandria echoes with warrior training, and the ethereal Empyrean holds secrets amidst its mists. Beyond, the Astral Sea swirls with celestial guardians, hidden Crystal Gardens bloom with ancient secrets, and the Well of Souls offers glimpses into time at a perilous cost. Yet, beneath its idyllic beauty, time flows differently, rigidity breeds conflict, and the encroaching psychic realm whispers doubt, creating a complex ecosystem where divine light and hidden dangers intertwine

Ecosystem Cycles

Celestia is a plane of absolute order and stability, so it wouldn't typically have natural ecosystem cycles like day and night, seasons, or weather patterns. Everything would be maintained in a state of perfect equilibrium.


Constant Sunlight: As the plane of Lawful Good, Celestia is typically bathed in perpetual, warm sunlight. This creates an aura of serenity and order, reflecting the ideals of the plane.

Fauna & Flora

While bathed in eternal light and pulsating with order, Celestia's ecology isn't just a static reflection of its virtues. Each layer hums with a unique life force, interwoven with the influence of time dilation and the encroaching psychic realm.   Seraphdom: Gentle deer with coats shimmering like moonstone graze on pastures that bloom with ever-patient flowers, reflecting the layer's tranquility. Celestial doves coo wisdom-laden messages, while butterflies with iridescent wings flit between blossoms imbued with kindness. Time stretches here, allowing flora to grow with glacial slowness, their roots reaching deep into the very essence of compassion.   Zephyria: Intelligent owls with feathers like swirling galaxies soar through skies infused with the whispers of knowledge. Sylphs, born from the gentle winds, guide lost travelers with musical voices, tending to gardens of luminous fungi that pulsate with arcane secrets. Time flows smoothly here, fostering intellectual exploration and allowing plants to adapt to new information with remarkable speed.   Mount Celestia: Majestic griffins with feathers of polished steel patrol the skies, their piercing gaze enforcing justice. Loyal dire wolves, fur shimmering with righteousness, accompany celestial paladins. Even the blades of grass stand tall and proud, reflecting the unwavering order of the layer. Time marches steadily here, ensuring both flora and fauna remain disciplined and vigilant.   Astraldom: Celestial cats with fur like stardust stalk silent constellations, guarding libraries overflowing with cosmic knowledge. Dreamlike sprites flit among glowing flora that resonates with the hum of ancient magic. Time slows to a crawl here, allowing plants to absorb and process vast amounts of knowledge, their forms reflecting the secrets they hold.     Solandria: Fiery phoenixes bathe in the harsh sunlight, symbolizing the constant renewal of valor. Celestial lions roar their challenges, their manes crackling with energy. Thorny cacti endure the scorching days, their resilience mirroring the unwavering spirit of warriors. Time here moves faster, pushing both flora and fauna to adapt and grow stronger under constant pressure.   Empyrean: Ethereal wyverns soar through the pure light, their forms barely perceptible. Serene lilies, blooming with pure white petals, radiate an almost painful brilliance. Time stands still here, existing in a state of absolute perfection, reflected in the unmoving flora and celestial fauna that embody absolute purity.
Plane of Existence
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