Claws of Viher Organization in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Claws of Viher

"Nothing beat the thrill of the chase"  God of the hunt was worshipped by hunters, barbarians and certain druids. He has been said to bless the most skilled of hunters with boons

Mythology & Lore

Once a celestial archer of unrivaled skill, renowned for his precision and respect for the creatures he pursued. However, his story takes a sharp turn, plunging him from grace and giving rise to the enigmatic God of the Wild Hunt.   Legends of the Celestial Hunt:
  • Arcanis, Hunter of Stars: Before his fall, Viher was known as Arcanis, a celestial prodigy blessed with unparalleled aim and a deep understanding of celestial beasts. He served as the protector and guardian of the cosmic balance, ensuring harmony among the celestial creatures.
  • The First Hunt: It is said that the turning point came when a monstrous entity threatened the celestial realm. Arcanis, ever the skilled hunter, was tasked with eliminating the threat. Yet, in his zeal, he became intoxicated by the thrill of the chase, pushing his pursuit beyond its intended purpose. His relentless hunt caused unforeseen chaos, disrupting the very balance he swore to protect.
  • The Fall from Grace: For his disobedience and disregard for the cosmic order, Arcanis was cast out of the heavens, tumbling into the mortal realm in a blaze of celestial fire. Stripped of his divinity but retaining his formidable skills, he became Viher, the God of the Wild Hunt.
  The Legacy of the Fallen God:
  • Echoes of Divinity: Though no longer a celestial being, Viher carries whispers of his past. His connection to the moon fuels his followers' nocturnal rituals, and his keen eyesight is reflected in their emphasis on precise tracking.
  • Echoes of the Fall: His obsession with the hunt, once noble, has morphed into a relentless pursuit. He tests his followers, pushing them to hone their skills, sometimes bordering on recklessness, echoing his own downfall.
  • Balance Through the Hunt: Despite his fall, Viher retains a sense of duty. He champions the culling of the weak and infirm, viewing it as a necessary act to maintain balance within the natural world. This tenet, however, remains open to interpretation, blurring the lines between order and cruelty.
  Impact on the Claws of Viher:
  • Divergent Interpretations: Viher's ambiguous legacy fuels diverse interpretations within the Claws. Some revere him as a protector, others as a champion of skill, and some even embrace the darker aspects of his fall, blurring the lines between faith and savagery.
  • Eternal Challenge: Followers see Viher's fall as a cautionary tale and a constant challenge. They strive to master the hunt while avoiding succumbing to the bloodlust that led to his downfall.
  • Seeking to Surpass the Master: Some within the Claws believe that surpassing Viher's skill and proving their control over the hunt's primal urges is the key to earning his favor, potentially even restoring him to his celestial form.

Divine Origins

The faith of the Claws of Viher whispers from two sources. Fragments of fallen divinity linger, carried by hunters who witnessed Viher's descent from celestial archer to God of the Wild Hunt. These whispers spoke of reverence for the hunt, respect for prey, and the potent danger inherent in the chase. But the faith truly took root through adaptation. Different groups, from nomadic tribes to mountain dwellers, molded Viher's legacy to their environments. They developed rituals mimicking his celestial hunts, tracking techniques inspired by prey, and interpretations shaped by prophets and encounters with the enigmatic, fallen god himself. Through conflict, evolution, and whispers of forgotten divinity, the Claws of Viher carved their unique path, forever marked by the echoes of Viher's fall and the thrill of the eternal hunt.

Cosmological Views

For the Claws of Viher, the world resonates with the rhythmic echo of the hunt. A grand, inescapable cycle where predator and prey dance in a delicate, brutal ballet. Viher, a fallen god forever caught in the chase, serves as both their deity and a cautionary tale. While some revere the cycle as a divinely ordained design, others see it as a cold, indifferent reality. Stars whisper of his celestial past, and whispers of forgotten divinity mingle with the harsh truths of survival. They uphold balance, culling the weak to maintain harmony, but the line between sacred duty and exploitation blurs. They honor their prey, for even in death, the cycle continues, spirits potentially guiding skilled hunters in a macabre waltz. Yet, interpretations differ, fueling internal conflicts and moral quandaries. For the Claws of Viher, the world is more than just land and sky; it's a living tapestry woven from the threads of the hunt, and their own place within it remains a constant struggle to balance respect, power, and the ever-present echo of their fallen god's pursuit.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Honing the Craft: Master your skills, refine your technique, and become one with your tools. Respect the art of the hunt, for precision and knowledge honor both hunter and prey.
  2. Know Your Quarry: Study the creatures you pursue, their habits, strengths, and vulnerabilities. Respect their place in the web of life.
  3. Track Without Trace: Move with stealth and cunning, leaving minimal impact on the natural world. Let your pursuit be a dance, not a disruption.
  4. Take Only What You Need: Do not hunt for sport or excess. Every life taken should serve a purpose, sustain your kin, or maintain balance within the ecosystem.
  5. Offer Gratitude: Acknowledge the sacrifice of your prey. Leave offerings or perform rituals to honor their life and its contribution to yours.
  6. Hunt the Unworthy: Target the sick, the elderly, or those who disrupt the natural order, ensuring the health and harmony of the ecosystem.
  7. Face the Challenge: Do not shy away from danger. Embrace the thrill of the chase, the test of skill, and the dance with the unknown.
  8. Honor the Blood Price: Understand that every hunt bears a risk. Be prepared to face the consequences of your actions, both physical and spiritual.
  9. Never Fear the Fall: Like the prey you hunt, you too are part of the cycle. Accept your own vulnerability and the impermanence of life.
  10. Remember the Fallen God: Learn from Viher's story, his triumphs and his fall. Remember that the true hunt lies not just in the physical pursuit, but in the balance between skill, respect, and the primal hunger that burns within us all.


Pious Acts: A Dance of Skill and Respect For the Claws of Viher, piety lies not just in blind adherence, but in mastering the intricate dance of the hunt. Honing their craft to an art form, understanding their quarry with respect, and minimizing their impact on the natural world are all seen as offerings to the god. Demonstrating exceptional skill and precision brings admiration, for it embodies the thrill and challenge Viher himself represents. Maintaining the delicate balance of the ecosystem is paramount, achieved through the selective culling of the weak, ensuring harmony rather than chaos. Gratitude for the sacrifice taken, whether through offerings or rituals, acknowledges the life given and its contribution to the cycle. Embracing the inherent dangers of the hunt, overcoming challenges with courage, and accepting one's place within the predator-prey dance are all testaments to faith. Sharing knowledge and traditions with younger generations ensures the legacy of the Claws and the teachings of the fallen god live on.   Sins: A Betrayal of the Cycle Straying from the path of respect and balance marks the descent into sin for the Claws of Viher. Excessive hunting, driven by greed or bloodlust, disrupts the natural order and disrespects the cycle of life. Unnecessary cruelty inflicted on prey goes against the core tenet of respecting their sacrifice. Reckless actions that harm the environment or endanger healthy populations are seen as a betrayal of the delicate balance Viher strives to maintain. Fleeing from danger or displaying cowardice contradicts the spirit of the hunt, challenging the courage and resilience expected of his followers. Exploiting the faith for personal gain or manipulating others for selfish purposes twists the teachings into tools of greed, a grave transgression against the community and their god. Disrespecting established leadership, be it Huntmasters, Shamans, or other appointed guides, undermines the order and potentially challenges the will of Viher himself.


Pre-Hunt Rituals:

  • Offerings: Before embarking on a hunt, Claws might leave offerings at sacred sites, like animal bones, crafted tools, or portions of previous kills, honoring the cycle of sacrifice.
  • Sharpening and Blessings: Tools are meticulously honed, imbued with prayers or symbols for accuracy and respect. Shamans might perform blessings on hunters and prey alike, acknowledging the interconnectedness of the chase.
  • Tracking Meditations: Some enter meditative states, visualizing their prey's movements, seeking guidance from the spirits of the wild or whispers of Viher himself.

The Hunt:

  • Silent Stalkers: Stealth and respect are paramount. Hunters move with minimal impact, employing tracking skills and cunning to approach their quarry.
  • Prayers and Songs: Silent prayers or songs might be offered throughout the hunt, honoring the prey, seeking guidance, or expressing gratitude for the challenge.
  • Honoring the Kill: After a successful hunt, rituals vary. Some offer prayers of thanks, while others perform more elaborate ceremonies involving blood offerings or symbolic gestures.

Post-Hunt Practices:

  • Feasting and Sharing: The kill is shared within the community, a celebration of the hunt's success and a reminder of their dependence on the natural world.
  • Storytelling and Teachings: Elders share tales of past hunts, conveying lessons, skills, and the history of the Claws. Younger members learn through listening and participation.
  • Contemplation and Reflection: Time is dedicated to reflecting on the hunt, its challenges, and the lessons learned. This introspection reinforces their connection to Viher and the cycle they represent.

Beyond the Hunt:

  • Stargazing and Celestial Rituals: Some revere Viher's celestial past, performing rituals under specific constellations or during celestial events, seeking guidance or blessings.
  • Maintaining the Balance: Individuals or groups might participate in culling the weak or sick within the ecosystem, ensuring balance but also facing internal debates on the ethics of such actions.
  • Personal Challenges: Skilled hunters might undertake self-imposed challenges, pushing their limits in the wilderness to hone their skills and prove their dedication to Viher.



  • Experience and Skill: These seasoned hunters earn their leadership through exceptional ability and mastery of the craft. They lead local communities, ensuring adherence to tenets, resolving disputes, and passing down knowledge through practical training and storytelling.
  • Appointment or Challenge: Depending on the community, Huntmasters might be appointed by elders or previous leaders, or ascend through challenges testing their skill and understanding of the hunt.
  • Distinguishing Marks: They often bear physical markings earned through trials or signifying past achievements, like unique claw-shaped scars or trophies from notable hunts.

Shamans and Seers:

  • Spiritual Connection: These individuals claim a deeper connection to Viher or the spirits of nature, receiving visions or interpreting omens. They offer guidance on rituals, interpret the will of the gods, and mediate conflicts using spiritual wisdom.
  • Dreams and Visions: Their leadership stems from powerful dreams, visions, or encounters with celestial or natural spirits, perceived as signs of their chosen role.
  • Distinguishing Features: They might wear symbolic clothing, carry amulets imbued with spiritual power, or exhibit physical signs like unusual eye colors or markings.

Hunt Oracles:

  • Tracking Expertise: These gifted individuals possess an uncanny ability to track and predict the movements of prey, seen as a form of divine favor. They guide hunting expeditions, locate specific creatures, and advise on strategic approaches.
  • Natural Talent or Ritual: Their abilities can be innate or awakened through rituals involving animal sacrifices, offerings to celestial bodies, or meditation in sacred locations.
  • Distinguishing Traits: They might carry specific tools like ornately decorated tracking implements or wear unique animal pelts symbolizing their connection to the wild.

Granted Divine Powers

Heightened Senses: Through rigorous training and attunement to nature, the Claws of Viher develop sharper senses like sight, hearing, and smell. They may be able to track with exceptional accuracy, detect subtle changes in their environment, and anticipate the movements of their prey with uncanny intuition.   Enhanced Physical Prowess: Years of honing their skills and navigating challenging environments grant them superior agility, strength, and endurance. They can move with stealth and grace, strike with deadly precision, and withstand the rigors of the hunt longer than an average person.   Instinctual Awareness: Some devoted followers might experience flashes of instinctual awareness, a sense of foreboding or sudden understanding of their prey's behavior. This might not be a precise vision, but rather a gut feeling or an urge that aids them in the hunt.   Spiritual Connection: Through rituals, offerings, and deep meditation, particularly gifted individuals might tap into a spiritual connection with Viher or the spirits of nature. This could manifest as premonitions, whispers of guidance, or a heightened sense of the interconnectedness of all living things. Blessing of the Hunt: In rare cases, Viher himself might acknowledge a particularly skilled or dedicated follower. This could manifest as a surge of strength, heightened awareness, or an improbable stroke of luck that turns the tide of a challenging hunt.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Claws of Viher infiltrate the political fabric like a silent predator, their influence both subtle and far-reaching. Their emphasis on skill and leadership fosters strong individual meritocracies within organizations, favoring accomplished hunters for positions of power. Their focus on balance might manifest in environmental regulations or policies ensuring sustainable resource management. Yet, internal conflicts over interpretations of piety and the lines between culling and exploitation create political tensions. Some factions might advocate for stricter regulations, while others see them as hindrances to individual freedom. The influence of Huntmasters, Shamans, and Hunt Oracles adds another layer of complexity, their pronouncements and interpretations swaying political decisions within these organizations. Ultimately, the Claws' presence creates a dynamic political landscape where respect for power, adherence to balance, and individual interpretations constantly vie for dominance, shaping the organization's very fabric in the relentless echo of the hunt.

Good hunting

Alternative Names
The Prowler


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