Cult of Chad Organization in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Cult of Chad

"Immfff n-noot...Druuuuuuunk! Your is fwish!"

Public Agenda

To party!!!!

Mythology & Lore

The God of Beer otherwise known as the god of parties is a machination of every drunk mind combined together. Whenever there is a massive party happing within the land he is there. He grants the partygoers with unending music and booze and the party doesn't stop till the last person drops.

Divine Origins

Originally formed by a congregation of drunks Rhonton is in a constant state of drunkenness. He appeared to the partygoers and manifested more booze for them and then the legend of the god of beer was born. The issue with Rhonton is that he's so inebriated that he doesn't remember his own name half the time and will often be rebranded a different god name every time he attends a new party.

Cosmological Views

Gods are beings of unimaginable energy that lat themselves to the beliefs of mortals. The faith of mortals provides a deity with not only power but the purpose. Gods can have many forms and they change them frequently. Once they have attached themself to a domain that enough mortals believe in they assume their role. For example, the divine entities might assume their place in the domain of fine cooking and win now any faith within the psychical planes tied to that domain fuels that god. Any being of raw power that does not assume godhood runs the risk of being consumed by other more powerful beings or dissipating back into raw unintelligent energy.   Rhonton probably follows this principle though god forbid what would possess an energy mass to adopt this form. Formed from the urban rumour by drunkards that if they pray hard enough they will get more beer.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Treat yourself to a beer
  2. Only pansies have one glass c'mon one more
  3. Well, your two pints down might as well get smashed. 


You party. You party hard!


Anyone who wishes to party hard and jerk off their duties they are true worshippers of Rhonton


Only the drunkest at the party Rhonton attended is branded as one of his priests.

Granted Divine Powers

He has made Clerics, Monks, paladins, and Sorcerers-don't know how.


Far too many to list.


Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
Chad the God of Parties


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