Dulmare, God Of Misfortune Character in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Dulmare, God Of Misfortune

The Weaver of Ill Fate Dulmare (a.k.a. Mr Blue, The Burdened One, He Who Cannot Be Named.)

The God of misfortune is a truly tragic being, you cant even speak their name without ill fate befalling you.

Divine Domains

Primary Domains:
  • Catastrophe: This domain grants Dulmare influence over natural disasters, accidents, and sudden upheavals. He can't directly cause them, but his presence might exacerbate them or make them more likely.
  • Irony and Karma: This domain reflects the twisted "justice" served by misfortune. He can twist events to create ironic outcomes or bring unforeseen consequences upon those who deserve them (in his own perception).
  • Ill Omen: This domain allows Dulmare to manifest portents and warnings of misfortune, though they might be cryptic or misinterpreted.
  Secondary Domains:
  • Loss and Despair: This domain connects Dulmare to the emotional impact of misfortune, including grief, fear, and hopelessness. He may not directly inflict these emotions, but his presence can amplify them.
  • Hidden Costs: This domain reflects the unforeseen consequences that often accompany his "blessings" or interventions. He can grant temporary boons, but with hidden and delayed costs that bring even greater misfortune.
  • Unpredictability: This domain embodies the ever-shifting nature of chance and misfortune. While not directly controlling fate, Dulmare can nudge it towards unexpected twists and turns, making outcomes impossible to predict.


Given Dulmare's unique and complex nature, his artifacts and attributes wouldn't be conventional tools of divine power, but rather objects symbolizing his burden and connection to misfortune:   Artifacts:  
  • Broken Mirror: Shards reflecting distorted realities, offering glimpses of potential misfortunes or the unintended consequences of choices.
  • Worn Dice: Always landing on unlucky numbers, signifying the unpredictable and often unfair nature of fate.
  • Tattered Cloak: Woven from misfortune itself, it grants limited protection from harm but attracts further bad luck to the wearer.
  • Crow's Feather: Imbued with the ability to sense approaching misfortune, but not necessarily to avoid it.
  • Cursed Coin: Grants temporary wealth, but with a heavy price attached, reflecting the hidden costs of fortune.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A broken mirror: Represents the distortion of reality, shattered luck, and the unpredictable nature of fate.

Tenets of Faith

Since Dulmare isn't a traditional god and doesn't have worshippers in the classic sense, "tenets of faith" might not be the most fitting wording. However, he could have principles or philosophies that guide his actions and influence those who understand him or are drawn to his complex nature. Here are some ideas:  
  1. Acceptance: Instead of fighting against misfortune, some might believe in recognizing its inevitability and learning to navigate its challenges with strength and resilience.
  2. Perspective: Recognizing that misfortune is just one side of the coin, offering lessons and pushing individuals towards growth and adaptation.
  3. Unforeseen Consequences: Understanding that actions, even with good intentions, can have unintended negative outcomes, requiring careful consideration and responsibility.
  4. Empathy for Pain: Acknowledging the suffering caused by misfortune and seeking to alleviate it wherever possible, even if it means facing the risk of further bad luck.
  5. Hidden Costs: Recognizing that good fortune often comes with hidden drawbacks, encouraging mindfulness and appreciation for the present moment rather than chasing fleeting benefits.
  6. Unpredictability: Embracing the unknown and accepting that life is full of twists and turns, both positive and negative, learning to adapt and remain flexible.
  7. Inner Strength: Finding resilience and strength within oneself, drawing on misfortune as a catalyst for personal growth and overcoming adversity.
  8. Breaking the Cycle: While accepting misfortune as a natural part of life, some might strive to break cycles of negativity and create a better future for themselves and others.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Dulmare, the God of Misfortune, carries a heavy burden. His very existence brings hardship, his touch a harbinger of ill fate. Yet, beneath the veil of sorrow lies a yearning for understanding, a hope for something more. He desires not blind acceptance of misfortune, but a recognition of its transformative power. Through trials and tribulations, he hopes mortals will learn resilience, discover hidden strengths, and forge a deeper empathy for the world's suffering.   He orchestrates intricate challenges, leaving cryptic messages woven into misfortune's tapestry. Some see only the pain, cursing his name. But for those with discerning eyes, his omens offer glimpses of growth, lessons etched in sorrow. He longs for a single soul, a beacon of understanding, who can pierce the veil of his actions and see the teacher within the tormentor. Perhaps then, the cycle of guilt and pain might break, offering a glimmer of solace for the God burdened by the weight of misfortune.   But true coexistence may be an impossible dream. He is the embodiment of a harsh reality, a necessary counterpoint to life's joys. Yet, by embracing the challenges he presents, by seeking the wisdom hidden within hardship, mortals can learn to live alongside him, not in blind submission, but with a newfound resilience and a deeper understanding of the tapestry of fate, where even misfortune holds the potential for growth and unexpected grace.
Divine Classification


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