Emos, God of Darkness Character in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Emos, God of Darkness

Emos (a.k.a. The Eternal Shadow, Whispering Void, The Broken Star)

Everything begins from darkness and it will end in darkness. And when that time comes the void shall great all

Divine Domains

Primary Domains:

  • Oblivion: This domain grants Emos and his followers influence over death, destruction, and the erasure of existence. They might not directly cause instant death, but their presence could accelerate decay, bring forth devastating natural disasters, or twist life into monstrous forms.
  • Despair and Hatred: This domain amplifies negative emotions, feeding Emos' power and manipulating mortals into his service. It could manifest as inflicting fear, despair, and rage, causing internal turmoil and driving individuals to lash out or succumb to hopelessness.
  • Shadow Manipulation: This domain grants control over darkness and shadows, creating illusions, hiding secrets, and obscuring the truth. It could also allow for teleportation through shadows, summoning shadowy creatures, and manipulating light sources to plunge areas into darkness.

Secondary Domains:

  • Corruption and Decay: This domain allows Emos to spread rot, disease, and blight, defiling the natural world and twisting it into grotesque parodies of its former beauty. This could include corrupting fertile land, causing plagues, and even manipulating the minds of animals to serve his purposes.
  • Unholy Power: This domain grants access to dark magic and forbidden knowledge, tempting mortals with power at the cost of their own souls. It could involve communing with demons, performing twisted rituals, and wielding curses or necromancy.
  • Secrecy and Deception: This domain allows Emos to manipulate perception, weave illusions, and sow discord through lies and misinformation. It could also make his followers masters of disguise, infiltration, and manipulating others through subtle whispers and hidden agendas.



  1. The Echoing Hunger: A seemingly endless cloak woven from the despair of countless souls. It grants the wearer power but feeds on their life force, whispering promises of oblivion in return for strength.
  2. The Starved Sun: A once-luminous orb now consumed by darkness, radiating an aura of hopelessness. Gazing upon it infects the viewer with despair, slowly draining their will to live.
  3. The Blighted Heart: A pulsating, corrupted heartwood carved from a long-dead god. It allows communication with Emos, but each conversation costs the user a cherished memory.
  4. The Obsidian Tear: A single, petrified tear from Emos, imbued with his raw hatred. It grants the ability to manipulate shadows, but risks twisting the user's mind with the god's nihilistic rage.
  5. The Whispering Skull: The skull of a forgotten hero, animated by Emos' malice. It whispers secrets and doubts directly into the user's mind, driving them towards madness.


  1. Eyes of Endless Night: Emos' gaze pierces through illusions and facades, revealing the darkest truths and hidden fears within individuals. Those who meet his gaze are forever haunted by the glimpse into the abyss.
  2. Touch of Oblivion: A brush of Emos' hand instantly withers and decays any living thing it touches, leaving behind only dust and a lingering sense of hopelessness.
  3. Aura of Despair: An oppressive aura radiating from Emos that saps the hope and courage of those around him, leaving them vulnerable to his influence.
  4. Voice of a Thousand Deaths: Emos' voice echoes with the screams of the countless beings he has consumed, instilling fear and despair in all who hear it.
  5. Mark of the Unloved: A sigil branded onto Emos' followers, granting them power but slowly twisting their features into grotesque parodies of their former selves, reflecting their growing distance from love and compassion.

Holy Books & Codes

Forbidden Grimoires:
  • Whispers of Oblivion: Fragmented texts found in hidden ruins, passed down through generations of Obscurant Children. They contain cryptic poems, rituals, and dark prophecies, hinting at Emos' power and offering glimpses into his motivations.
  • The Blackened Tome: A single, corrupted tome bound in human skin, detailing unholy rituals and forbidden magic. It grants power at a terrible cost, slowly twisting the reader's mind and soul.
  • Broken Sonnets of Sorrow: A collection of fragmented poems expressing despair, nihilism, and hatred towards creation. While not offering concrete instructions, they serve as emotional guides, fostering devotion to Emos through shared negativity.
  Twisted Codes of Conduct:
  • Murmurs of the Night: Unwritten rules passed down through whispers and shared dreams. They emphasize secrecy, manipulation, and sowing discord, encouraging followers to act as Emos' agents in the mortal world.
  • The Hunger's Embrace: A set of guidelines focused on inflicting suffering and despair. It encourages acts of cruelty and destruction, viewing them as offerings to Emos and ways to hasten the world's demise.
  • The Shadow's Kiss: A code emphasizing self-destruction and nihilism. It encourages followers to reject hope and meaning, embracing oblivion and seeking their own demise as a final act of devotion to Emos.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An eclipsed sun: Representing the extinguishing of light and the triumph of darkness over creation.

Tenets of Faith

Core Tenets:
  • Embrace the primordial darkness: As the embodiment of pre-creation darkness, Emos' followers likely believe in the inherent power and value of darkness, seeing it as a fundamental aspect of existence. This could involve rejecting the perceived artificiality of light and creation, embracing the natural chaos and raw potential within darkness.
  • Seek power through negative emotions: Since Emos feeds on hatred, envy, and doubt, his tenets might encourage cultivating and channeling these emotions for personal empowerment. This could involve practices like stoking resentment, reveling in the suffering of others, or exploiting vulnerabilities.
  • Defy the cycle of creation and life: Artia, the goddess of light, embodies creation and life. Emos' followers might oppose these concepts, viewing them as limitations or weaknesses. Their tenets could encourage defying the natural order, embracing death and destruction, or even seeking immortality through twisted means like lichdom.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Emos, the primordial God of Darkness, yearns to reclaim his preeminent position by unraveling the tapestry of creation woven by his sister, Artia. Driven by envy and rage at life's usurpation of his domain, he seeks to plunge the world back into the eternal darkness that preceded it, manipulating mortals through their negative emotions and offering twisted power in exchange for their service. His ultimate goal transcends mere destruction; it's a desire to return to the singularity he embodies, erasing the light and diversity of creation and reasserting his absolute reign over an undifferentiated void.
Divine Classification

Articles under Emos, God of Darkness


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