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Isolated moutine town West of Feakkrith


Exnigford is home to a small but close-knit community of miners and their families, numbering around a few hundred residents.


The village operates under a local council system, with elected representatives overseeing day-to-day affairs and liaising with the authorities in Feakrith when necessary.


The village is naturally fortified by its elevated position in the mountains, offering a strategic advantage against potential threats. Additionally, the residents maintain a small militia tasked with patrolling the surrounding area and keeping watch for any signs of danger.

Industry & Trade

Exnigford's primary industry revolves around mining and mineral extraction. The village mines various ores and minerals from the surrounding mountains, which are then transported to Feakrith for processing and trade. Despite its remote location, Exnigford plays a crucial role in the kingdom's economy by supplying essential resources for construction, crafting, and trade.


Despite its remote location, Exnigford boasts essential infrastructure such as mining facilities, housing for residents, a marketplace for trading goods, and basic amenities like a communal well and a gathering hall for community events.


  1. Mineral Deposits: Exnigford's primary asset is its rich mineral deposits, including iron, copper, silver, and other valuable ores. These resources are essential for Feakrith's economy, as they are used in various industries such as construction, blacksmithing, and crafting.
  2. Strategic Location: Positioned high in the mountains, Exnigford's strategic location provides it with a natural defense against potential threats. The village's elevated position also offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape, making it an ideal lookout point.
  3. Skilled Workforce: The village boasts a skilled workforce of miners and craftsmen who are proficient in extracting and processing minerals. Their expertise ensures efficient mining operations and high-quality ore extraction, contributing to the village's economic prosperity.
  4. Mining Equipment and Infrastructure: Exnigford is equipped with essential mining tools, equipment, and infrastructure necessary for extracting minerals from the mountains. This includes mine shafts, tunnels, carts, and other machinery used in the mining process.
  5. Freshwater Source: The mountain water stream flowing through Exnigford serves as a vital asset, providing clean, freshwater to Feakrith. This reliable water source is essential for sustaining the city's population and supporting various activities such as agriculture and manufacturing.
  6. Community Spirit: One of Exnigford's greatest assets is its strong sense of community and camaraderie among its residents. The villagers work together to overcome challenges, support one another in times of need, and foster a thriving community spirit that contributes to the village's resilience and prosperity.

Guilds and Factions

The village is home to a miners' guild, which oversees the extraction and distribution of minerals. Additionally, there may be informal groups or factions among the residents based on shared interests or affiliations.

Points of interest

Notable landmarks in Exnigford include the mines themselves, where miners toil tirelessly to extract valuable resources from the earth, as well as the lookout points situated atop the mountains, offering panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.


While not a major tourist destination, Exnigford may attract visitors interested in observing the mining process or enjoying the natural beauty of the mountainous terrain.


The architecture of Exnigford reflects its practical nature, with sturdy stone buildings constructed to withstand the harsh mountain environment. The structures are utilitarian in design, prioritizing functionality and durability over ornate aesthetics.


Situated high in the mountains, Exnigford is surrounded by rugged terrain characterized by rocky outcrops, steep cliffs, and dense forests. The village overlooks both Feakrith to the east and the marshlands to the west, offering a commanding view of the surrounding landscape.

Natural Resources

Exnigford's most significant natural resource is the rich mineral deposits found in the mountains, including iron, copper, silver, and other valuable ores. Additionally, the mountain water stream provides clean, freshwater to Feakrith, essential for sustaining the city's population.


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