Eyes of Phidar Organization in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Eyes of Phidar

Everything that was ever known, Everything that ever was and everything that could be. All reside in my realm. Feel free to wander, but do not let your curiosity guild you. As you will never leave

Mythology & Lore

The Eyes of Phidar delve into various lost histories and mythologies, weaving them into a tapestry of knowledge that forms the foundation of their teachings. Here are some potential threads you can explore:   The Library of Creation: Before creation itself, myth whispers of an infinite library containing all potential realities. Phidar, it is said, emerged from this library, tasked with collecting the knowledge of every reality that comes into being. Each book in his library represents a distinct reality, past, present, or possible future.   Lost Civilizations: Fragments of forgotten civilizations, each with their own unique understanding of the universe, are meticulously preserved and studied by the Eyes of Phidar. They decipher languages, analyze artifacts, and piece together narratives to glean insights into different perspectives on knowledge and its applications.   The Fall of the Babel Tower: Some myths claim the Eyes of Phidar hold the true story of the Tower of Babel, a massive library meant to reach the heavens and access divine knowledge. Its collapse fractured the flow of knowledge, scattering it across the world, which the Eyes of Phidar strive to reassemble.   The First Scholars: Legends tell of the First Scholars, beings who walked with gods and learned directly from them. Knowledge was their weapon and shield, guiding them to build civilizations and understand the universe's secrets. The Eyes of Phidar see themselves as inheritors of their legacy, continuing the pursuit of ultimate knowledge.   Hidden Truths: Within the vast library, some believe, lie truths hidden from mortals and even many gods. Forbidden knowledge of creation, destruction, and the nature of reality itself beckons, tempting some Eyes of Phidar to delve into dangerous territory.

Divine Origins

Divine Revelation:
  • Phidar's Manifestation: Legends claim that in an age of forgotten gods, Phidar himself appeared before a group of scholars, unveiling his infinite library and bestowing upon them the responsibility to collect and safeguard all knowledge. These scholars became the first Eyes of Phidar, spreading his teachings and establishing the core tenets of the faith.
  • Dreams and Visions: Another legend speaks of individuals across different cultures simultaneously receiving dreams or visions of an infinite library and a voice urging them to seek and share knowledge. These individuals, united by their shared experience, formed the foundation of the Eyes of Phidar.
  Gradual Emergence:
  • Convergence of Scholars: Throughout history, individuals across various civilizations with a deep thirst for knowledge and a reverence for learning were drawn together, eventually forming a loose network of scholars and librarians. Over time, this network solidified into the Eyes of Phidar, sharing their findings and developing shared rituals and beliefs.
  • Uncovering Lost Libraries: The discovery of vast, ancient libraries filled with unknown languages and cryptic lore sparked the formation of the Eyes of Phidar. Driven to decipher these lost texts and share their newfound knowledge, these scholars dedicated themselves to preserving and expanding this collective wisdom.
  Combination of Myths: Blending Divine and Scholarly Roots: Perhaps the truth lies in a blend of the above theories. An ancient, forgotten deity representing knowledge might have inspired individuals to seek and preserve information, leading to the gradual formation of the Eyes of Phidar through their shared purpose and discoveries.   Sacrosanct Rituals:
  • The Ceremony of Unveiling: When a new text or significant discovery is made, the Eyes of Phidar gather for a ritual where the knowledge is presented and its implications discussed. This fosters collective understanding and ensures responsible dissemination of new information.
  • The Night of Whispers: Under the starlight, Eyes of Phidar share dreams, visions, and intuitive insights with each other, believing it aids in accessing hidden knowledge and fostering collective wisdom.
  • The Pilgrimage of Lost Lore: Every decade, a select group embarks on a journey to rediscover a lost library or forgotten archive, honoring their commitment to preserving knowledge and unearthing the past.
  Teachings and Beliefs:
  • Knowledge is sacred, but understanding is its true purpose. The Eyes of Phidar seek not just to accumulate information, but to interpret it, draw connections, and apply it for the betterment of all.
  • All perspectives hold value. Different cultures and historical contexts offer unique lenses through which to view the world, and the Eyes of Phidar strive to learn from them all.
  • Truth is a collective journey, not a singular destination. By sharing knowledge and engaging in open discourse, the Eyes of Phidar believe they inch closer to a deeper understanding of the universe and themselves.

Cosmological Views

Gods are beings of unimaginable energy that lat themselves to the beliefs of mortals. The faith of mortals provides a deity with not only power but the purpose. Gods can have many forms and they change them frequently. Once they have attached themself to a domain that enough mortals believe in they assume their role. For example, the divine entities might assume their place in the domain of fine cooking and win now any faith within the psychical planes tied to that domain fuels that god. Any being of raw power that does not assume godhood runs the risk of being consumed by other more powerful beings or dissipating back into raw unintelligent energy.   hidar stands in stark contrast to the newly minted deities, his existence predating even the whispers of their divinity. While they squabble over power and influence, Phidar remains ever-present, a silent observer amidst the chaos. His boundless library stretches across dimensions, meticulously recording the echoes of every reality, long before mortals even dreamt of gods.   With an unflinching gaze, Phidar collects the knowledge flowing from every intelligent creature across the planes. No thought, no discovery, no whispered tale escapes his notice. His presence is as ubiquitous as the wind, carrying both the stories of forgotten civilizations and the nascent scribbles of newly formed minds.   This vast repository of knowledge makes Phidar an enigma even among the gods. Some view him with awe, others with unease, for his ever-growing library holds the secrets of existence itself. Yet, Phidar remains unfazed, content in his silent observation, an ancient scribe recording the grand narrative of existence, one fleeting memory at a time.

Tenets of Faith

First Principles:  
  1. Seek knowledge with relentless curiosity: Never cease exploring, questioning, and expanding your understanding of the world and beyond.
  2. Respect all knowledge, regardless of its source: Every perspective, story, and fragment of information holds value, enriching the collective understanding.
  3. Share your findings freely and openly: Knowledge thrives on dissemination. Collaborate, teach, and empower others to contribute to the ever-growing library.
  4. Maintain neutrality in pursuit of truth: Avoid personal biases or agendas that could distort information or impede understanding.
  5. Respect the sanctity of the infinite library: Protect the integrity of knowledge, prevent corruption or destruction, and ensure responsible access.


Seek knowledge with relentless curiosity:
  • Does curiosity extend to forbidden or dangerous knowledge? How is the risk of misuse balanced against the potential for new understanding?
  • How does one strike a balance between seeking new knowledge and ensuring existing knowledge is preserved and accessible?
  • What constitutes "relentless" curiosity? Are periods of reflection and contemplation also valued?
  Respect all knowledge, regardless of its source:
  • What about knowledge obtained through unethical means, such as torture or deceit? Is it still valuable for understanding certain topics?
  • How is the potential harm of biased or inaccurate information addressed? Should it be censored, challenged, or openly discussed?
  • What about knowledge originating from beings considered evil or malevolent? Can it be trusted and used for good?
  Share your findings freely and openly:
  • What limitations exist on sharing knowledge? Are there secrets that should be kept for the greater good?
  • How is intellectual property handled? Can individuals claim ownership of newly discovered knowledge, or is it all part of the collective library?
  • How do the Eyes of Phidar ensure knowledge is disseminated accurately and responsibly, avoiding manipulation or distortion?
  Maintain neutrality in pursuit of truth:
  • How does one remain neutral when faced with personal convictions or emotional responses to certain information?
  • What happens when knowledge contradicts established beliefs or societal norms? How do the Eyes of Phidar approach such challenges?
  • In situations where intervention is necessary, can neutrality still be maintained, or does action require taking a side?
  Respect the sanctity of the infinite library:
  • What constitutes "corruption" of knowledge? Is it only malicious alteration, or does misinterpretation or misuse fall under this category as well?
  • How is access to the library granted and monitored? Are there different levels of access based on experience or expertise?
  • What constitutes responsible use of the library? Is it simply accessing information, or are there ethical considerations attached to its application?


The Eyes of Phidar don't worship through rote prayers or blind faith, but through an insatiable hunger for knowledge. Their devotion manifests in scholarly pursuits, delving into ancient texts and diverse fields to refine the collective understanding. Debate becomes a form of sacred discourse, challenging interpretations and revealing hidden truths. Sharing learned wisdom through teaching and mentoring is an act of worship, empowering others to contribute to the ever-growing library. Rituals focus on collaboration, from unveiling ceremonies for new discoveries to pilgrimages rediscovering lost knowledge. Even personal reflection holds weight, meditating on insights gained and ensuring their application benefits all. Every text collected, every whispered dream shared, fuels the endless pursuit of knowledge that defines their unique faith.


Since the Eyes of Phidar value collaboration and intellectual exploration, there's no single leader or centralized hierarchy guiding the faithful. Instead, leadership emerges organically through various methods:   Meritocratic Recognition:
  • Elders of Lore: Highly respected scholars with vast knowledge and wisdom, recognized for their contributions and insights. They offer guidance and counsel to others, but hold no formal authority.
  • Masters of Specific Domains: Experts in particular fields like history, magic, or languages act as guides and resources for others seeking deeper understanding in their areas.
  • Loreweavers: Skilled storytellers and oral historians who preserve and disseminate knowledge through compelling narratives, inspiring and motivating others.
  Community-Driven Selection:
  • Councils of Whispers: Regional gatherings where Eyes of Phidar discuss important matters, share findings, and vote on courses of action. Leaders can emerge from these councils based on their expertise, persuasive arguments, and ability to garner trust.
  • Trials of Knowledge: Challenging tests requiring critical thinking, problem-solving, and ethical reasoning. Those who excel might be recognized as potential leaders due to their demonstrated skills and commitment to the core principles.
  • Peer Recognition: Individuals who consistently exhibit exceptional dedication, intellectual growth, and contributions to the collective knowledge might be informally acknowledged as leaders by their peers, earning respect and influence without formal titles.
  Distinguishing Features:
  • Symbols of Knowledge: Many Eyes of Phidar wear intricate tattoos or amulets depicting eyes, scrolls, or libraries, signifying their dedication to knowledge.
  • Garments of Learning: They often wear flowing robes or attire made from special materials conducive to writing, carrying scrolls, and studying for extended periods.
  • Aura of Curiosity: Many exude an aura of inquisitiveness and openness, their eyes sparkling with the thirst for knowledge and understanding.

Granted Divine Powers

Whispers of Insight: As you call upon Phidar's wisdom, the very air shimmers, weaving whispers of insight into your mind. This shimmering clarity empowers you to see through deception, pierce hidden truths, and navigate riddles with newfound ease. (Advantage on your next Investigation or Insight check).   Tome's Revelation: With a reverent touch, you imbue a tome with Phidar's boundless knowledge. As the pages shimmer, forgotten lore erupts into your mind, revealing secrets of history, potent magic, or forgotten tongues. (Learn a single piece of lore relevant to the book's subject).   Shared Understanding: Phidar's infinite library stretches forth, its tendrils of knowledge brushing against your allies. A chorus of understanding washes over them, gifting them fluency in forgotten languages, the cunning of arcane lore, or the keen eye of a seasoned investigator. (For 1 minute, you and allies within 30 feet gain proficiency in a chosen skill or language).   Arcane Library: Within your mind unfolds a shimmering archive, its shelves laden with spells whispered on starlight and etched in forgotten symbols. These secrets, drawn from the boundless library of Phidar, empower you to unravel mysteries, decipher hidden tongues, and illuminate the path forward. (Access a limited, ever-expanding pool of spells related to knowledge, research, and understanding).   Scribing Savant: Your quill dances across parchment, infused with the echo of Phidar's meticulous hand. Ancient languages flow effortlessly from your pen, spells are captured with unwavering accuracy, and scrolls crafted by your hand hum with potent magic. (Bonuses to copying spells or texts, allowing you to create valuable scrolls or share knowledge more efficiently).   Linguistic Mastery: As you delve into the tapestry of Phidar's library, tongues long lost and dialects whispered on forgotten winds unlock their secrets to your mind. From the guttural chants of forgotten empires to the delicate poetry of celestial beings, you weave words with the ease of a native speaker. (Understand and speak various obscure languages or dialects).

Political Influence & Intrigue

The influence of the Eyes of Phidar on political landscapes varies greatly depending on the specific organization and its pre-existing power dynamics. Here are some potential impacts:   Independent Scholarly Networks:  
  • Neutral Arbiters: Due to their dedication to neutrality and understanding diverse perspectives, the Eyes of Phidar can act as mediators in political conflicts, offering insightful analysis and advocating for peaceful resolutions based on knowledge and reason.
  • Knowledge Brokers: They can serve as neutral channels for communication and information exchange between rival factions, fostering trust and transparency through their unbiased approach.
  • Challengers to the Status Quo: By uncovering historical truths or hidden agendas, the Eyes of Phidar might expose corruption or challenge established narratives, potentially destabilizing existing power structures.
  Integrated into Existing Power Structures:  
  • Advisors and Consultants: Rulers might seek the Eyes of Phidar's vast knowledge and wisdom for strategic planning, diplomacy, or understanding their subjects' needs.
  • Knowledge Guardians: Powerful institutions might entrust the Eyes of Phidar with safeguarding sensitive information or controlling access to crucial knowledge, strengthening their control over various factions.
  • Political Tools: Some rulers might manipulate the Eyes of Phidar's neutrality for their own agendas, using their insights or interpretations to legitimize their actions or suppress dissent.
  Unforeseen Consequences:  
  • Knowledge as a Weapon: If knowledge falls into the wrong hands, it can be used to manipulate public opinion, fuel propaganda, or even develop devastating weapons, potentially leading to political instability and conflict.
  • Internal Conflicts: Disagreements within the Eyes of Phidar over interpretations of knowledge or ethical dilemmas can spill over into the political sphere, creating further division and instability.
  • Loss of Neutrality: If the Eyes of Phidar become embroiled in political struggles or take sides in conflicts, they risk losing their neutrality and trust, undermining their ability to act as mediators or knowledge brokers.


The Whispering Archivists: Nestled within grand libraries or hidden archives, these loremasters meticulously safeguard Phidar's infinite library. They act as advisors, interpreting ancient texts, deciphering lost languages, and ensuring responsible access to knowledge for all Eyes of Phidar. Some view them as gatekeepers, while others revere them as the living embodiment of Phidar's boundless wisdom.   The Wandering Scribes: Driven by an insatiable wanderlust, these scholars journey across planes and cultures, collecting forgotten lore and unraveling historical mysteries. They return periodically to share their findings and insights, enriching the collective knowledge and inspiring others to embark on their own journeys of discovery. Their nomadic lifestyle embodies the ever-expanding nature of Phidar's library and the importance of diverse perspectives.
Religious, Pantheon
Alternative Names
The Grand Liberian


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