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Halaema Krisxidor

The Great Mother Halaema Krisxidor

Founder of the City of Xin and one of the most influential High-Elfs to have ever been born

Physical Description

Body Features

Halaema is depicted as a sunning youthful elf with vibrant red hair

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Halaema Was born as a subservient elf to the Rotomid Empire, Working under a lord's care she acted as a maid.    Her employers were cruel and very much harbored the common resentment of elves at the time. She saw the Subjugation of her people throughout all of her life. The elders told her it was penance for their involvement in creating the undead that now resides within the Dreadwood, but she continued to believe that no living creature deserved this level of cruelty.    One day out of a joke bet her lord demanded she go out and gets him a rock from the northern mountain believing she should perish if she tried. However, she did in fact make it to the center of the northern mountains where she discovered a floating island. Convinced this could be a new Eden for the Elves she traveled back to Zalcaster.   Upon returning back she never returned to the lord's house instead began to convince the elves that they could make a new homeland and be free of being viewed as a lower race. A lot of the elves were hesitant, however.    It wasn't until a young elf maiden was murdered in the streets that the Elves decided enough was enough. Gathering help from the famed elf wizard Khasauq and his brother the elf began the process of building the city of Xin. The Rotomid king wasn't a fan of Halaema and would have sent a full flurry of assassins after her if it hadn't been for his younger son creating a massive civil uproar by taking 3000 of the city's inhabitants to build a kingdom far to the East of Ealathra.  It turned out the Elf maiden that was killed was the prince's lover and the king had her killed to end the "blasphemous" relationship.   The city of Xin was nearly complete but the mad dwarven king refused to let the elves settle this resulted in the battle for Xoras hill where Halaema leading the elves they were able to defeat the Dwarves and the Rotomid empire fell into Civil war and a new pro elf leader rising in the ranks the Dwarves were forced to retreat.   Halaema acted as a sage reminder to the elves in her later years until she perished fighting off the undead during the undead uprising many years later


Unknown she spent far too much of her time leading her people to pursue romance


She had access to the grand libraries of Zalcaster where she taught herself a majority of her diplomatic skills.


Former maid  Elder sage to the high Elves

Accomplishments & Achievements

Building the City of Xin Helping the Elves hold off the undead

Morality & Philosophy

Believed that no race should be oppressed

Personality Characteristics


To build a home city for the elves where they wouldn't have to suffer under a totalitarian rule
Lawful Good
Current Status
Current Location
Date of Birth
18th of Thanto 500 BE
Date of Death
3rd of Rhaan 75 DH
500 BE 75 DH 575 years old
Circumstances of Death
Over exertion fighting the Undead
Place of Death
Long Ginger
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common  Elvish


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