Irdes, God Of The Underworld Character in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Irdes, God Of The Underworld

Harbinger of the Beyond Irdes (a.k.a. The Shadowed One, The Sleepbringer, The Gentle Guide, Jerry.)

The soul, a wisp of terror and regret, clung to the edge of the shimmering nebula, its form flickering like a half-extinguished candle. Before it stretched the vast tapestry of the afterlife, swirling with constellations that whispered of unknown realms. Fear choked the soul, the weight of past deeds anchoring it to the mortal plane. "Lost one," a voice resonated, gentle yet vast, like the sigh of the universe itself. Irdes, cloaked in shadows spun from stardust, materialized beside the soul. His form held no judgment, only quiet understanding.     The soul trembled, unable to speak. Its fear was palpable, a storm of memories echoing its failures and missed opportunities.     Irdes extended a hand, not of flesh but of shimmering starlight. "Your journey is complete," he spoke, his voice carrying the soothing warmth of a thousand dawns. "The world remembers you as it needs to, yet your time there has come to an end."     The soul recoiled, a whimper escaping its ethereal form. "Please," it rasped, "I haven't finished… there's so much left to do."     Irdes' gaze seemed to encompass the entirety of existence. "Do not fear," he murmured. "Every life, long or short, contributes to the grand tapestry. Your threads are woven in, adding colour and texture, even if you cannot see the final design."     With a gentle touch, Irdes nudged the soul towards the nebula's edge. The constellations pulsed, beckoning with an irresistible rhythm. Panic flickered in the soul's form, but as it drew closer, a strange peace settled over it.     Memories, once burdens, now shimmered like fireflies, revealing moments of love, laughter, and quiet acts of kindness. The soul saw its impact, not in grand achievements, but in the ripples of joy and comfort it had left behind.     A tear, sparkling like a diamond, rolled down the soul's ethereal cheek. It whispered a single word, not of fear, but of acceptance: "Thank you."     With a gentle push, Irdes released the soul into the nebula. It dissolved into its light, merging with the swirling colours, becoming one with the tapestry of the afterlife. A new constellation flickered into existence, faint yet vibrant, forever marking the soul's journey. Irdes watched the constellation take its place, a silent observer of countless such transitions. He was not a god of judgement, nor of reward. He was the shepherd of souls, ensuring their journey ended not in oblivion, but in the ever-evolving tapestry of life and death, where even the smallest flicker contributed to the grand design of the universe.

Divine Domains

Shrouded in swirling shadows, Irdes' domain transcends conventional landscapes. No grand halls or fiery hellscapes mark this realm, but rather a shimmering expanse of stardust and wispy nebulae, reflecting the countless souls entrusted to his care. Ethereal pathways weave through the celestial tapestry, each leading to different aspects of the afterlife - verdant meadows for peaceful repose, swirling storms for turbulent spirits, and even chilling abysses for those consumed by darkness. Yet, above it all, Irdes, cloaked in his ever-shifting cloak of shadows, observes with unwavering compassion, his voice ever-sincere, reminding each soul that its journey, no matter how joyous or tragic, finds its rightful conclusion within the endless tapestry of life and death.


Emblems and Symbols:
  • Shinigami Blades: Though not directly wielded by Irdes, the Shinigami's ethereal blades could be seen as extensions of his will, symbolizing the finality of death and the natural order. Observing or encountering these blades could evoke reverence or fear, depending on the context.
  • Ephemeral Hourglass: A constantly shifting, ethereal hourglass made of stardust, representing the finite nature of life and the ever-flowing passage of time. This could be a personal symbol of Irdes, glimpsed during encounters or depicted in religious art.
  • Soul Sigils: Each soul carries a unique sigil that represents their journey and final destination. These sigils might be faintly visible upon their death, offering clues to their afterlife or serving as tokens for those seeking resurrection.

Holy Books & Codes

Bound in stardust and shimmering with ethereal energy, the Book of Final Journeys isn't a static record but a swirling nebula of cosmic threads. Each tendril represents a soul's path, its color reflecting their life's essence and its destination marked by constellations forming within the nebula's depths. Irdes, with his understanding of celestial patterns, interprets these constellations, discerning whether a soul rests in tranquil meadows, churns in storms of atonement, or lies frozen in icy abysses, offering definitive closure on a soul's eternal slumber and a glimpse into the vast tapestry of the afterlife.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Cosmic Hourglass: Symbol: An hourglass formed by two swirling nebulae, representing the finite nature of life and the ever-flowing passage of time. Meaning: Represents Irdes' role as the observer and guide of souls through their journey from life to death. Applications: Engraved on Shinigami blades, etched in religious structures, worn as amulets by those contemplating death.

Tenets of Faith

Tenets of Irdes, God of the Underworld:

  1. Acknowledge and Embrace the Cycle: Life and death are two halves of a whole, an inevitable journey all souls must undertake. Accept this natural order with dignity and understanding.
  2. Respect the Flow of Souls: Unnecessary interventions in the cycle, like resurrection, disrupt the delicate balance. Let souls complete their journey with grace, for true peace lies in accepting one's fate.
  3. Compassion for All Souls: Treat every soul with respect and empathy, regardless of their past deeds or final destination. In the vast tapestry of the afterlife, all fates have their place.
  4. Guiding Souls to Peace: Offer solace and support to those facing death. Help them prepare for their journey with acceptance and understanding, finding peace in the natural end of their chapter.
  Prepare with Dignity: Approach death with courage and introspection. Live a life of purpose, leaving a positive mark on the world, and face your final transition with composure and acceptance.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

While Irdes doesn't possess a goal driven by personal desires or aspirations like power or control, his actions serve a profound and essential purpose within the world:   Ensuring the Equilibrium of Life and Death: Irdes' presence isn't just about ushering souls to their afterlife destinations; it's about maintaining the delicate balance between the forces of life and death. His divine goal transcends individual souls and focuses on the grander cosmic tapestry, ensuring the cycle of existence maintains its equilibrium.
Date of Birth
Dawn of Existence
Date of Death
When the last life flickers from existence
Small feint stars
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
no skin only a shadowy robe

Articles under Irdes, God Of The Underworld


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