Mechanus Geographic Location in Ealathra | World Anvil
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"Welcome to Mechanus: The Clockwork Plane of Order and Precision! Attention all visitors: Please adhere to the impeccable order that governs Mechanus. Maintain precise lines and formations when moving through this plane. Disrupting the perfect harmony of our clockwork existence is strictly prohibited. Modrons are available for guidance and inquiries.     Remember, in Mechanus, precision is paramount.     Violations will result in immediate correction.     The Modron March awaits your orderly presence. — The Harmonium Assembly"


Mechanus is a plane of absolute order, a vast and intricate clockwork mechanism stretching into infinity. The terrain is characterized by perfectly geometric landscapes—endless plains of interconnected gears, rotating cogs, and meticulously aligned structures. Rivers of liquid metal flow with rhythmic precision, reflecting the gleam of the meticulously polished surfaces. The views are mesmerizing, with the mechanical structures forming an awe-inspiring and harmonious spectacle of order and predictability.


The environment of Mechanus is an intricately designed system of interlocking gears, springs, and rotating components. Biological organisms, if present, would likely be constructs or entities harmonized with the mechanical precision of the plane. The ecosystem, if it can be called such, adheres to the absolute laws of order, with clockwork precision dictating the flow of energy and matter. Entities here would likely be sustained by the perfect rhythms of Mechanus, their existence seamlessly integrated into the mechanical symphony of the plane.

Ecosystem Cycles

n Mechanus, the concept of seasons as experienced on other planes might not be applicable in the conventional sense. Instead, the passage of time is likely measured by the meticulous rotations of gears and the rhythmic oscillations of mechanical components. Entities inhabiting this plane would be attuned to these cyclical patterns, adapting their activities to the precise moments dictated by the flawless mechanism of Mechanus. There might be phases of heightened activity, analogous to procreating seasons, where the plane experiences an intricate interplay of gears aligning in a perfect symphony, ensuring the perpetuation of existence within this clockwork realm.

Localized Phenomena

In Mechanus, the phenomena are less natural and more a result of the meticulous and clockwork precision that governs the plane. Lightning storms might occur as bursts of energy course through vast networks of conduits, creating a spectacular yet ordered display. Sandstorms could be replaced by clouds of finely ground gears and metallic particles, carried on the winds of perfectly calibrated mechanisms. Rather than natural gases, the air might be infused with the hum of perfectly tuned frequencies. Gazers in Mechanus could be constructs resembling floating orbs adorned with spinning cogs, acting as both observers and regulators of the plane's unyielding order.


Mechanus, being a plane of absolute order, doesn't have traditional climate variations like natural planes. The "climate" is one of mechanical precision and unchanging regularity. There are no unpredictable storms or temperature fluctuations. Instead, the air might hum with a constant, regulated temperature, and the skies remain perpetually clear, with no clouds or precipitation. The climate of Mechanus reflects the plane's dedication to absolute order and predictability in every aspect.

Fauna & Flora

In Mechanus, the plane of absolute order, traditional flora and fauna as seen on the Prime Material Plane don't exist. Instead, the landscape is dominated by intricate machinery, clockwork structures, and geometric patterns. The inhabitants are constructs, modrons, who serve the purpose of maintaining order and structure throughout the plane. The "flora" might be intricate, ordered patterns etched into the ground, and the "fauna" would be modrons moving with precise regularity, fulfilling their assigned tasks. The plane's ecology is a manifestation of its commitment to perfect order.

Natural Resources

Mechanus is not typically considered to have conventional natural resources like those found on the Prime Material Plane. Instead, it is a plane of perfect order and precision, where the landscape itself is made up of intricate machinery and clockwork structures. Resources are more abstract and related to the functioning of the plane, such as the energy that powers its machinery or the components used by the modrons in their ceaseless work. It's a realm where the very structure and order are the resources that sustain its existence.


Tourists in Mechanus are often scholars, artificers, and those fascinated by the intricacies of order and machinery. They come to witness the perfect, clockwork precision of the plane's structures and to study the modrons, the inhabitants of Mechanus. Accommodations are often found in specially designated areas that mimic the precision of the rest of the plane, with lodgings arranged in precise, orderly patterns to align with the theme of Mechanus. Visitors are eager to experience the absolute order and logical precision that govern every aspect of the plane's existence.
Plane of Existence


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