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Once slumbering beneath Shoyo's peaks, Milesite, a rock laced with antimagic, awakens. Now scattered across the realm, its whispers of forgotten power ignite both fear and ambition, forever altering the landscape of magic.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The rock itself looks like labradorite the way to identify if its Milesite is if it strikes another stone it creates an iconic blue spark.


Once slumbering peacefully beneath Shoyo's volcanic heart, Milesite, a rock whispering with antimagic, remained unknown to the world. But in 661Dh, a colossal titan burst from the mountain, scattering the mineral across the region. For centuries, the island's inherent magic disruption was attributed solely to the land itself, a mysterious anomaly. However, whispers persisted of an "antimagic stone," dismissed as mere legend. The truth only surfaced recently, when black markets began offering this potent material, its origins traced back to Shoyo's eruption. Now, Milesite's power, once dormant, fuels fear and ambition in equal measure, threatening to reshape the very fabric of magic and ignite conflicts long simmering in the shadows.


Disruption of Magic: Its primary significance lies in its antimagic properties. It effectively shuts down magical effects and prevents magical items from recharging, potentially rendering powerful spellcasters powerless and creating a more even playing field. This could lead to:
  • Rise of non-magical combat styles: Increased reliance on physical prowess and cunning, potentially empowering previously marginalized groups.
  • Power struggles: Battles for control of Milesite deposits and its applications, creating new conflicts and alliances.
  • Moral dilemmas: Questions about ethical use of antimagic, potentially sparking debates and internal conflicts within factions.
  Historical Implications: Milesite's connection to the ancient titan and its sudden emergence could rewrite history and mythology. This could lead to:
  • Unveiling lost secrets: Investigations into the titan and its connection to Milesite, uncovering forgotten lore and civilizations.
  • Renewed religious fervor: Potential rise of cults or factions worshipping the titan, further destabilizing the power balance.
  • Fear and uncertainty: Questions about the nature of magic and its origins, potentially leading to societal unrest and paranoia.
  Economic Impact: As a rare and coveted resource, Milesite could have significant economic implications:
  • Black market boom: Increased demand and value of Milesite, potentially enriching criminals and fostering corruption.
  • Technological advancements: Research into utilizing Milesite's antimagic properties for non-combat applications, leading to potential innovations.
  • Geopolitical tensions: Competition for control of Milesite deposits and trade routes, potentially sparking wars and political intrigue.
Item type
Creation Date
Current Location
Related ethnicities
Owning Organization
Milesite, the antimagic mineral unearthed from Shoyo's depths, remains exceedingly rare, fueling fierce competition and escalating black market prices.
Base Price
200 gp per 1lb


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