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Seafarer's Supplies

Owner: Dargan Stonefist (Dwarf) Visual Description: Seafarer’s Supplies is a sturdy stone building with a wide, welcoming entrance. The sign above the door features a ship’s anchor and rope, indicating the store’s specialty. The building has a practical, no-nonsense appearance, reflecting the nature of its owner.   Interior: Inside, the shop is neatly organized, with rows of shelves filled with ropes, sails, and other essential seafaring gear. Tools and equipment are hung on the walls, each meticulously labeled. The air smells of hemp and tar, and Dargan can usually be found at his workbench, repairing or crafting items. The store is well-lit, with large windows allowing in plenty of natural light.     Unique Features:
  • A workshop area where Dargan demonstrates knot-tying and sail-repair techniques.
  • A back room where custom orders and larger projects are handled, often bustling with activity.
  • A display of antique navigational instruments and ship models, reflecting Dargan’s love for maritime history.

Articles under Seafarer's Supplies


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