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The Salty Seagull

Proprietor: Old Tarrick (Human) Visual Description: The Salty Seagull is a weathered, two-story tavern made of dark, sea-weathered wood, situated near the docks. A large, hand-carved sign depicting a seagull with an eyepatch swings above the entrance. The windows are small and round, reminiscent of ship portholes, allowing a warm, inviting glow to emanate in the evening.   Interior: The interior is cozy and bustling, filled with long wooden tables and benches. Nautical decor adorns the walls, including fishing nets, old ship wheels, and maps of distant seas. A massive fireplace in the corner crackles with warmth, casting flickering shadows. The bar is well-worn but sturdy, with barrels of ale stacked behind it and shelves filled with bottles of various spirits. A chalkboard hangs behind the bar listing the day’s specials, with Old Tarrick’s famous sailor’s stew at the top.   Unique Features:
  • A collection of old sea charts and navigational tools, gifts from sailors who frequented the tavern.
  • A corner stage where local bards and storytellers perform, drawing crowds with their sea shanties and tales of adventure.
  • A secret compartment behind the bar where Old Tarrick keeps a stash of rare, aged rum reserved for special guests and friends.

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