Water Plane Geographic Location in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Water Plane


Unlike the solid ground we traverse on other planes, the Water Plane defies traditional geographical description. Imagine a boundless expanse of water in all its forms, constantly shifting and swirling, its very nature a vibrant interplay of currents, storms, and hidden depths. Here's a glimpse into its ever-changing landscape:   Vast Oceans:  
  • Endless Depths: Expansive stretches of calm seas stretch to the horizon, their cerulean depths concealing hidden shipwrecks, ancient ruins, and bioluminescent creatures.
  • Boiling Seas: Turbulent regions churn with geothermal vents, creating swirling maelstroms and geysers of superheated water, home to fire-resistant leviathans.
  • Whispering Shallows: Tranquil shoals teem with coral reefs and vibrant fish, offering temporary havens and enchanting sights for those who navigate them carefully.
  Whimsical Islands:  
  • Living Islands: Lush islands with trees rooted in the water and bioluminescent plants pulsate with life, providing brief respites and offering unique resources.
  • Iceberg Archipelagos: Towering, sculpted icebergs drift on frigid currents, harboring frozen caverns and offering treacherous yet stunning vistas.
  • Volcanic Islands: Islands birthed from the ocean floor, spewing geysers and smoke columns, offering pockets of vibrant volcanic rock and geothermal wonders.
  Unpredictable Formations:  
  • Waterfalls of Time: Cascading waterfalls flow upwards, defying gravity and leading to lost dimensions or forgotten eras, accessible only to those brave enough to confront the temporal currents.
  • Whirlpools of Mystery: Swirling vortices that distort light and sound, concealing hidden entrances to underwater realms or trapping unwary travelers in their mesmerizing pull.
  • Living Storms: Sentient storms coalesce from swirling water and wind, offering cryptic riddles or testing the mettle of those who cross their path.


Abiotic Drivers:

  • Currents: Vast currents flow across the plane, shaping biomes, transporting nutrients, and dictating migration patterns. Warm currents fuel vibrant coral reefs, while cold currents support bioluminescent ecosystems.
  • Depth and Pressure: As you descend, light fades, pressure increases, and temperature fluctuates. This creates distinct zones with unique lifeforms adapted to thrive in darkness, withstand crushing pressure, or exploit hydrothermal vents.
  • Elemental Forces: Storms churn the depths, upwelling nutrients and reshaping landscapes. Volcanic activity creates new islands and hydrothermal vents, while magical currents can warp gravity or imbue water with specific properties.

Unique Lifeforms:

  • Water Elementals: Living embodiments of the water itself, they range from playful sprites to colossal krakens, shaping currents, interacting with creatures, and guarding hidden underwater realms.
  • Pelagic Fauna: Sleek fish, bioluminescent jellyfish, and enormous whales navigate the open ocean, adapted to life in vast currents and feeding on plankton blooms or smaller creatures.
  • Benthic Dwellers: Creatures adapted to the seafloor, like crabs, sea cucumbers, and even giant isopods, thrive in the darkness and scavenge detritus or filter nutrients from the water.
  • Island Inhabitants: Lush islands teem with unique flora and fauna adapted to amphibious life or life on floating vegetation mats.

Ecological Interactions:

  • Symbiosis: Bioluminescent fish illuminate coral reefs, attracting prey for larger predators. Filter feeders clean the water, benefiting other creatures.
  • Competition: Predators like sharks hunt smaller fish, while filter feeders compete for plankton blooms. Water elementals might protect specific species or engage in territorial disputes.
  • Adaptation: Creatures possess bioluminescence, pressure resistance, camouflage, or unique feeding mechanisms to thrive in their specific niches.

Challenges and Opportunities:

  • Navigating Currents: Strong currents and unpredictable storms can pose dangers, requiring specialized adaptations or magical assistance.
  • Exploring the Depths: Descending deeper brings increased pressure, darkness, and potentially hostile creatures. Special equipment or spells become crucial.
  • Harnessing the Elements: Those attuned to water magic can manipulate currents, communicate with elementals, or even gain temporary adaptations for deeper exploration.

Localized Phenomena

The ever-shifting waters of the Water Plane hold more than just currents and creatures. Its unique nature fosters phenomena unlike anything seen on other planes, igniting the imagination and challenging travelers:   Natural Wonders:  
  1. Singing Reefs: Vibrant coral formations emit haunting melodies when touched by sunlight or disturbed by currents, luring curious explorers and offering cryptic warnings or ancient lore.
  2. Luminous Jellyfish Storms: Massive gatherings of bioluminescent jellyfish create mesmerizing underwater light shows, attracting predators and offering fleeting navigational beacons.
  3. Geysers of Steam: Hydrothermal vents erupt from the ocean floor, spouting superheated water and spewing mineral deposits that form otherworldly structures.
  4. Echoing Trenches: The crushing depths distort sound, echoing whispers of forgotten civilizations or amplifying the thoughts of nearby creatures, creating an eerie and potentially dangerous soundscape.
  5. Living Icebergs: Sculpted ice formations pulsate with a faint bioluminescence, harboring pockets of air and even bioluminescent flora and fauna within their icy depths.
  Unusual Weather Events:  
  • Tidal Waves of Emotion: In regions infused with powerful emotions, storms erupt not from wind, but from collective feelings, forcing travelers to confront their own emotions to navigate safely.
  • Waterspouts of Whispers: These swirling vortices gather whispers from across the plane, offering fragmented prophecies or glimpses into distant events to those who dare listen.
  • Sunken Rainbows: When sunlight pierces through storms or waterfalls, shimmering arcs of color refract within the water, offering temporary boons or revealing hidden pathways to those who follow their spectral glow.
  • Lunar Tides of Magic: The moon's pull amplifies magic in specific regions, creating areas of swirling energy that empower spells, grant temporary mutations, or unleash unpredictable magical phenomena.
  • Living Hurricanes: Sentient storms take the form of colossal sea creatures, their movements driven by ancient grudges or primal instincts, offering challenges or cryptic riddles to those who cross their path.
  Supernatural Oddities:  
  1. Sirens of the Depths: Enchanting songs lure travelers to their doom, emanating from hidden coves or shipwrecks guarded by spectral beings seeking companionship or vengeance.
  2. Talking Kelp Forests: Ancient kelp forests whisper forgotten secrets and warnings to those who understand their language, offering cryptic clues or hidden lore.
  3. Underwater Temples: Ruins of sunken civilizations rise from the ocean floor, pulsating with residual magic and guarded by elemental spirits or mutated descendants of the civilization's inhabitants.
  4. Echoes of Drowned Gods: Monuments to forgotten deities resonate with their lingering power, granting temporary boons or challenges to those who make offerings or answer riddles posed by spectral guardians.
  5. The Heart of the Ocean: A mythical whirlpool rumored to lead to the plane's core, guarded by the most powerful water elementals and said to grant wishes or unimaginable power to those who reach it.


The Water Plane's climate fluctuates wildly, a tapestry woven from balmy currents, churning storms, and sun-kissed shallows to crushing depths where darkness reigns. Gentle waves lap at bioluminescent reefs one moment, while the next, monstrous hurricanes surge across vast expanses, whipped into frenzies by the moon's pull or the collective emotions of its inhabitants. Here, sunlight dances on the surface, while icy tendrils reach from below, creating a realm where warmth and cold, fury and serenity coexist in an ever-shifting ballet of elemental chaos.

Fauna & Flora

Unlike terrestrial ecosystems, the Water Plane teems with unique flora and fauna adapted to its ever-shifting currents, crushing depths, and diverse water types. Here's a glimpse into its vibrant biosphere:  


  1. Bioluminescent Forests: Kelp forests shimmer with an ethereal glow, filtering sunlight and providing food and shelter for smaller creatures. Some even whisper ancient secrets to those who can understand their language.
  2. Living Reefs: Vibrant coral formations pulsate with life, hosting diverse fish, crustaceans, and even symbiotic plants that contribute to their growth and provide dazzling displays of color.
  3. Hydrothermal Blooms: Around volcanic vents, heat-resistant bacteria and unique flora thrive, forming otherworldly structures and fueling unusual ecosystems.
  4. Island Oasis: Lush vegetation carpets floating mats and islands, sheltering insects, amphibians, and even birds adapted to a life partially on land and partially on water.
  5. Ice Gardens: In frigid regions, frozen kelp and bioluminescent algae create surreal underwater gardens, offering unique food sources and breathtaking beauty.


  1. Water Elementals: Playful sprites to colossal krakens, these living embodiments of water shape currents, interact with creatures, and guard hidden underwater realms.
  2. Pelagic Hunters: Sleek sharks, bioluminescent jellyfish, and enormous whales navigate the open ocean, adapted to vast currents and feeding on plankton blooms or smaller creatures.
  3. Benthic Dwellers: Creatures like crabs, sea cucumbers, and even giant isopods thrive in the darkness of the seafloor, scavenging detritus or filtering nutrients from the water.
  4. Amphibious Wonders: Creatures adapted to both land and water inhabit islands and shallows, like amphibious frogs, gliding lizards, and even intelligent, fish-like humanoids.
  5. Deep-Sea Oddities: Bioluminescent anglerfish, monstrous isopods, and even sentient giant squid lurk in the crushing depths, adapted to withstand pressure and darkness with unique survival mechanisms.

Natural Resources

Elemental Essence  
  • Water Essence: Captured from waterfalls, geysers, or powerful water elementals, this potent substance fuels water-based magic, enhances healing spells, and grants temporary resistance to drowning or pressure.
  • Tidal Pearls: Formed from compressed moonlight during powerful tides, these pearls hold potent light magic and grant temporary invisibility or illusions underwater.
  • Volcanic Glass: Obsidian formed from underwater eruptions possesses unique heat-resistant properties and can be crafted into enchanted tools or weapons.
  • Elemental Gems: Rare gems imbued with water magic radiate coolness and grant temporary boons like enhanced swimming speed, communication with water elementals, or control over specific water currents.
  Unique Materials:  
  • Luminous Kelp: This bioluminescent kelp emits a constant light and can be woven into clothing or tents, providing illumination and a unique aesthetic.
  • Living Coral: Certain types of coral possess magical properties, like healing wounds, amplifying emotions, or even storing memories within their intricate structures.
  • Sunken Treasures: Wrecks and ruins hold lost civilizations' artifacts, magical weapons, ancient texts, and even cursed objects waiting to be discovered.
  • Hydrothermal Vents: Minerals like iron, gold, and even rare earth elements collect around these vents, offering valuable resources for crafting or trade.
  • Ice Shards: Frozen water infused with elemental magic can be used to create powerful potions, enchant weapons with frost magic, or even serve as keys to unlock ancient underwater ruins.
  Special Resources:  
  • Songs of the Sirens: Though dangerous, capturing the essence of a siren's song allows for manipulation of emotions or communication with otherworldly beings.
  • Echoes of Drowned Gods: Offerings left at underwater shrines allow access to divine knowledge, temporary boons, or even resurrection in special circumstances.
  • Heart of the Ocean: The mythical core of the plane supposedly holds limitless water magic and the ability to reshape entire oceans, but accessing it requires confronting its formidable guardians and the plane's raw elemental power.
Plane of Existence


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