Zexgyn Union Organization in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Zexgyn Union

Love is pure, it knows no boundaries and gives us strength beyond our wildest dreams. The joining of two souls is the most beautiful and powerful thing in the realm

Mythology & Lore

In the bustling city of Feakrith, where cultures intertwine like threads in a tapestry, whispers speak of Zexgyn, the vibrant newcomer to the pantheon. Born not from ancient rites, but from the burgeoning love between diverse souls, she emerged shimmering with jewels that mirrored a thousand vows. A playful trickster with a heart of fire, she flits through the city, her laughter echoing in moonlit markets and secret gardens. Unlike the stoic deities of old, Zexgyn champions love in all its messy, glorious forms. Where tradition faltered before the complexities of interspecies unions, she introduced her whimsical "Ritual of Merging Hearts," a kaleidoscope of shared customs and whispered promises, ensuring no culture felt excluded. Yet, beneath her playful exterior simmers a fierce protectiveness. Those who dare trifle with the bonds she blesses risk feeling the sting of her "wrath," not of fire and brimstone, but of self-reflection and emotional turmoil, forcing them to confront the true meaning of their vows. With each union she binds, Zexgyn's legend grows, reminding the people of Feakrith that love, like her shimmering wings, transcends differences, uniting hearts and weaving the vibrant tapestry of their ever-evolving city.

Divine Origins

With the mixing of cultures growing bing in the city of Feakrith naturally, there came many interspecies couples formed. There did come a problem, however, with two different cultures comes difficulties of traditions when marriage is involved. This is where Zexgyn came in this mysterious figure that introduced a ritual that could please both cultures. overtimes here legend was embellished to the point that she is now a goddess that instils protection over the paired couple.

Cosmological Views

Gods are beings of unimaginable energy that lat themselves to the beliefs of mortals. The faith of mortals provides a deity with not only power but the purpose. Gods can have many forms and they change them frequently. Once they have attached themself to a domain that enough mortals believe in they assume their role. For example, the divine entities might assume their place in the domain of fine cooking and win now any faith within the psychical planes tied to that domain fuels that god. Any being of raw power that does not assume godhood runs the risk of being consumed by other more powerful beings or dissipating back into raw unintelligent energy.   Zexgyn is a hard one to pin down as some say she is an archfey other a real deity; so it is unknown if she exists.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Embrace the Tapestry of Ealathra: Celebrate the diverse threads of cultures and traditions, honoring each heritage while weaving them into a stronger bond of community.
  2. Ignite the Flame of Zexgyn: Nurture passion and joy in love, embracing spontaneous adventures and playful exploration to keep the flame of connection burning bright.
  3. Bridge Hearts with Openness: Foster understanding and empathy, actively listening and communicating with your partner to build bridges across cultural divides.


This religion is purely a marriage service when you boil it down. Ethics can be questionable as the priests have been known to marry any drunken fool and even marring an elf to his favourite spell one time.


Once again this service only exists for marriage the only active worshipers are the priests arranging the ceremony


Priests are mostly volunteers that perform the ceremony out of a passion for the religion.

Granted Divine Powers

None currently known.


Although started in Feakrith, the religion has spread to many of the major kingdoms. All operate the same as each other even though there is no hierarchy

May you be bound together until the end of time

Religious, Temple


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