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Bright Golden Loach

Bright Golden Loach (a.k.a. Loach)

Nicknamed "Loach" or "Lo"   A life-long pirate who has had many o' crew in his life and who was sent off the side of his most recent Captain's ship by a great leviathan.   He now washed up on the shores of Ulfron with very little and a strange brass orb with runes.

Physical Description

Body Features

Loach appears to be an aged man, slim and slender. He brandishes brilliant blond fur and stunning green eyes. His walk is one of confidence and one to behold, freedom emanated in every step.

Identifying Characteristics

His scars are many, mostly from raids or brawls, but none on his face as of yet.

Special abilities

After some decoding of the rune orb its secrets seem to unlock higher potential in anyone who can decipher. While Loach does not understand it's Runes, he has been able to trigger accidental effects.

Apparel & Accessories

Beads and bobbles in his fur, leather straps wrapped around his limbs, bandana around his head, and piercings in his ears.

Loach can be commonly seen wearing bright red pants, white V-shirt, and an assortment of bands, beads, and baubles. The bandanna around his head is a bright green with a white pattern if looked at closely.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Loach has been a pirate for as long as he can remember, sailing from shore to shore plundering and pillaging. Through this time he has sailed with many crews, some dead, some life long allies, and some venomous enemies. Currently, The Dread Pillagers, or "Dreadies," as his present crew calls them, are the enemies. Though, there are more.   After the falling out with the Dreadies, Loach moved from crew to crew until settling on one group in particular, The Red Naut Corsairs. It took a while to get used to a Tabaxi crew mate, but over time, they came to trust him. He would be known as Lo to his closest friends.   But that all changed when a large sea monster attacked and sent Loach off the edge of the ship. into the deep blue ocean. Swept by the cold waves and lucky to survive until he reached the shore of Ulfron. With only small supplies and a strange runed brass orb.


With very little formal education, Loach instead grew up learning how to clean canons, swab decks, furl and unfurl masts, and climbing ropes instead. As he grew up he learned more difficult skills like lying, bending the truth, lockpicking, performance, and later learned how to cheat in gambling and get away with it.


The Dread Pillagers "Dreadies" (Past)
The Red Nautical Corsairs "Nauts"
Palatine of Man Navy (Past)
Other spot jobs from here to there.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Successful Infiltration into the Palatine of Man Navy's ranks & capturing a ship from them
Past relationship with the First-Mate of The Red Nauts
Thievery of an Eldritch Artifact
Partial Decoding of said Artifact
Redistribution of much wealth

Failures & Embarrassments

Breakup with First-Mate of Red Nauts
The destruction of his First Crew & death of his father figure

Mental Trauma

The Destruction of Loach's First Crew & death of his Father Figure

Morality & Philosophy

Mechanistic Worldview
Fate cannot be changed, there are powers at work too great to attempt to work against.
Formal fighting is useless in actual attempts to survive in combat, fight dirty and live to tell about it.

Personality Characteristics


There are certain "tickets" to power that one simply must have the deep determination and dedication to discover and wield.

All these politics and wars only mean a single thing to me...a transfer of money, a transfer I intend to intercept.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Loach has many talents, from his feline stealth, perception and animal handling, to his buccaneer-esque trainings in slight-of-hand, lockpicking, acrobatics, performance, and survival, to the secrets of nuanced speech granted from the brass orb. His performance is with his favored Cornet and in terms of gambling his preferred game is with cards.
As for his downfalls, anything intellectual or resilience in composition is a struggle for Loach

Likes & Dislikes

Besides getting paid, smoking, and drinking with companions, Loach enjoys anything shiny, swapping epic tales of adventure, and indulging in the very existence of life.
The greatest things that annoy Loach are few but potent, they include betrayal, pompous pricks, buzzkills, and people who don't bargain.

Virtues & Personality perks

Besides Loach's variety of skills, he also has connections to the criminal and lawful world alike. The method by which he maintains these relationships are equally criminal and lawful, from life-debts to blackmail. In addition, Loach is overwhelmingly open to new ideas and experiences, for better or worse.

Vices & Personality flaws

When Loach is reminded of his first crew too much he drinks WAY too much and usually gets into trouble. He also tends to be fast thinking in his day-to-day life, making actions without fully contemplating the consequences.
His flaws include anything intellectual in nature, along with a consistently hyper state-of-mind. Consistent with Tabaxi stereotype, Loach's short-term goals are frequent, and either fleeting or incredibly fierce.

Personality Quirks

Most often Loach is found with some sort of herb in a wrap that he smokes. What is contained within varies frequently. Usually tobaccos.


. . .

A pirate with a past

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Chaotic Neutral
Current Residence

The Galleon of the Red Nautical Corsairs
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Blond Fur
Known Languages
Loach grew up speaking Dwarven, taught by his father figure, the quartermaster of his first crew, and spoken by every crewmate. Later he learned Common for trade and barter, along with plundering and pillaging.

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