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Gaunter Von Drac

Gaunter Von Drac

Gaunter was born and raised as a monk in The Temple of Det Uhellig, where vampires practice their own form of worship of death.

Physical Description

Body Features

Relatively tall, slim in build, yet considerably muscular. He sports a slick black hair and doesn't have noticeable facial features aside from his bright white eyes.

Identifying Characteristics

His body is covered in scars, and, in some spots, burns, earned from his many years of training and fighting. The scars in his hands are the only that are not covered in a piece of clothing.

Apparel & Accessories

Gaunter often flaunts black robes of varying styles, but mostly wears his trench coat that is more iconic among his peers, who consider it to be an unwise choice of apparel due to freedom of mobility, but respect Gaunter's choice nonetheless. His hands are the only part of his body aside from his face that remain exposed (unlike in the image displayed). He favors black boots out of any other foot accessory.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gaunter spent his entire early life as an apprentice in the Temple of Det Uhellig, where he learned to become an skilled fighter. Gaunter had close relationships with most of the other apprentices and mentors alike, yet he enjoyed spending time alone when not in training. The mentors of Det Uhellig were generally awfully strict with training and indoctrination. Its apprentices are taught to embrace Death as part of themselves and care very little for distractions such as morality or politics, focusing on spirituality over material gain, some even go as far as seeking to become the avatar of Nequerian, God of Death.   Upon reaching a certain level of prowess, apprentices are sent to practice and perfect their abilities out in the world, alone, or with other apprentices. Gaunter left with 2 of them, Nataniel and Victoria. Together, they wandered throughout the lands and found great joy in bounty-hunting, where they would competitively hunt down wanted criminals, not for gold or for justice, but for experience and amusement. In one of these hunts, the trio decided to split up and look for 3 different wanted criminals at the same time, in a challenge of who gets the first kill. Gaunter was the first to arrive at the meeting spot, followed by Victoria. Nataniel would not come.   Following his tracks, they learned that the man Nataniel went out to kill had predicted their arrival, and devised a plan to ambush them with a group of vampire hunters. Nataniel was presumed dead, the body was nowhere to be found, and the group was still there, waiting for Gaunter and Victoria. Neither of them were prepared for hunters and were caught by surprise. The resulting battle ended with many losses for the hunters, as well as the death of Victoria.   This initially caused Gaunter to become deeply depressed, feeling grief and guilt, but his relationship and comprehension of Death, taught in Det Uhellig, aided him in overcoming his loss and continuing his way towards perfecting his skill, but not without intense feelings of loneliness, which encouraged him to seek friendliness and companionship with other people for the first time.




Gaunter has basic religious knowledge on the Gods of Eametora, but focusing mainly on Nequerian, God of Death, whose ideologies Det Uhellig is based on. Other than martial arts, Gaunter learned advanced mobility techniques (acrobatics), and self-control.


Wandering fighter.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Graduating from the Temple of Det Uhellig. Successfully tracking down and killing many wanted criminal alongside his companions. Overcoming his grief and meeting new people.

Failures & Embarrassments

Being unable to protect Victoria and track down Nataniel's body.

Morality & Philosophy

Authentic power comes from within, and those who are able to tap into this power are the ones who change the world, and determine right from wrong on their own accord.

Personality Characteristics


"I seek not much, but to spend my eternity becoming stronger as I fight, close to people I hold dear to me, and I must protect them at all costs."

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Skillful unarmed fighting, acrobatics, and a level of persuasion.       Gaunter often finds himself unable to comprehend matters of magic nature, preferring to resort to his ki as he was taught.

Likes & Dislikes

Gaunter enjoys drinking alcoholic beverage, but often exaggerates and drinks too much in a short span of time. He also finds comfort in sharing past experiences with companions, but eventually feels the need to have alone time. Dueling is one of the best forms of bonding to him, as long as he's sated.   As for dislikes, Gaunter finds that politicians and clerics are particularly repulsive, both their activities and the individuals themselves. He despises having to be around people he can't trust and looks down upon any form of cheating and/or betrayal.

Virtues & Personality perks

Gaunter believes in loyalty for those who deserve it. He can be a reliable companion who would go great extents for those he loves. Despite that, he values his own life greatly, and tries to assess risks before taking them.

Vices & Personality flaws

Should he be unable to assess risks due to any situation, Gaunter can act recklessly while defending his companions. Upon consuming blood, he enters a very vicious state where he forgets the reason he's fighting and start to do it simply to spread death and consume even more blood. He has difficulty evaluating people for their actions, discerning friends from foes simply by his feelings, and the situation they find themselves in, if any.

Gaunter, a monk warrior who set out in search of adventure to acquire combat experience and perfect his abilities.

View Character Profile
True Neutral
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6'0 ft / 1,82m
190 lbs / 86kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
Known Languages
Common, Vampire.

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