Selenians, also known as rabbitfolk, bunnyfolk, bunny people, or rabbit people, are rabbit-like sapient humanoids.
Civilization and Culture
Major Organizations
Lunaris is the major religion of the selenians, focusing on the worship of the moon goddess Selene. This religion is druidic and shamanistic in nature, leading to the construction of astrologically aligned worship sites, among other things. Selenians of the Lunaris religion tend to form into nomadic groups called fluffles, each led by a priest who is said to be guided by Selene to various locations.
Selenians of the Lunaris druidic religion believe that their species originated on the moon, pointing to the supposed "rabbit" on the face of the moon as proof. Although there is nothing to support this contention, it is interesting to note that, unlike many other species, the history of the selenians is newer, appearing only about one thousand years ago in the records of humans and elves.
It has been postulated by scholars that selenians may have originated in another plane, maybe even from the Dreaming, but there is little to support this conjecture as well.