Melkor (Mehl-kor)

Lord of Pain

"When Girard Saint-Yves informed me of my uncle's fall into the pit, and his redemption by my father's avatar in the form of Vallis, I was not sure whether to be overjoyed or dismayed. My father's spirit lingers somehow... but he did not seek me out?"
Alexander Blake, Duke of Emberfall
Personal Journal

  An aspect of Zenathar Blake after his fall to the pit in 6698 CY, more information about his rise and subsequent fall during the events of the Fall of Illidion as one of the Demonlords of Hell can be found on Zenathar's page. Melkor never started his own clergy or following.

General Information

  Symbol: Violet Eye   Portfolio: Pain, Endurance, Necromancy and Necromancers   Domains: Arcana, Death, Demonic, Grave, Infernal and Shadow   Favored Weapon:   Title: The Lord of Pain   Blessing: None  


  Partner: Livi Blake, Baroness of Farrock   Children: Viscount Licitus Blake, Elveia Blake, Zenithar Blake II   Brother: Balthazar Blake  

Faiths, Cults and Organizations

  Circle of Shadows- Most prominent within the Felidar Imperium, Yvren and other places where The Shadow holds sway, the Circle of Shadows is comprised of a cabal of warlocks, clerics, priests and other mages who draw upon the Shadow for their power. Fueled by raw ambition, members of the Circle are driven to accumulate as much power as possible, often at the expense of others, or even their own members. They are often cruel and unforgiving, and can be found acting as priests amongst those regions controlled by the forces of darkness. They venerate Belros Azul above all others as the pinnacle of their ideals.
Divine Classification
Date of Birth
12th of Bloodwatch, 6633 CY


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