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5th of Sunschill, 782 AM

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The realm of Earhion is a vast ocean, surrounded on all sides by near-impassible dangers. To the east, the Sea of Storms rages and shatters the hulls of those who try to cross it. To the southwest, the Sea of Frost is frozen solid, a vast expanse of glaciers and ice. To the northwest, the Sea of Blood lies in wait, rumored to be the source of all monsters in the oceans of Earhion. Earhion's denizens have been cut off from the rest of the world for decades, yet they are as diverse as they have ever been: the pirates of the Scavenged Island, said to be the largest raft in the world, travel the ocean. The dark elves of Danteldindar, a massive cavern beneath the sea, pillage and burn the villages of the vast Nabhlain Archipelago, who spend their days farming and fishing. The denizens of Earhion have always had tense relations, but as the Sea of Blood spawns more horrifying creations and sucks more and more sailors into its crimson depths, tensions and sea levels rise.

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