Dasverdachs Settlement in Earssea | World Anvil
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Dasverdachs is a small city in the east central portion of Bulvirk, north of the River Schwelling. It is the sight of some of the major battles during the Dark Age and is currently home to the only non-military secular college in Bulvirk; Bulvirk Archäologic and Kunstschule.


60% Human, 20% Half-Elven, 10% Dwarven, 5% Tiefling, 5% other


Ruled by House Rittermount and maintained by local Merit Council.


Old town perimeter walls. High citadel at the center of town.

Industry & Trade

Second most profitable market in Bulvirk.


Intersection of Eastmarch road and Northdeep way. Fifty km North of High-Crossing Bridge


A wealth of ruins to the East, where the old citadel of Dasverdachs stood before the Dark age.


The old town fortifications are dwarven crafted and still stand strong to this day. The Citadel was designed by an architect from Bristol and built by Dwarvish engineers, incorporating Gaelic siege technique and Dwarvish stonecraft. It has been tested in battle twice.


Dasverdachs is built on a rocky hill, which stands directly over the valley where the crossroads meet. The ruins of the former citadel are two km east of the currant citadel. Old town is west of the hill and the newer developments are to the north and south, with the market square being directly in front of the east gates to the stronghold. Dasverdachs College is built west of the ruins.

Natural Resources

Well maintained farmland, as well as some fish farms built into old quarries.
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under

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