The Harad'Nor Ethnicity in Earssea | World Anvil
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The Harad'Nor

The sand-elves are a group of nomadic fey that inhabit the desert and hill country of Al-Siddig. They are the smallest native population demographic on the continent.   Their typical clan consists of 2-4 families, with each family made up of 2-6 adults in a temporary group marriage agreement, and 1-3 children. A cohort of 4-10 youth may also follow or participate with the clan in their travels. Members of the family may leave the unit without resentment or bitterness, provided that they are not leaving behind a very young child. An adult sand-elf may participate in as many as a dozen marriages in their lifespan. This adaptation allows for their often carefree nature to be indulged, while maintaining a network of friendships between clans so that the people can understand other points of view.   Sand-elves are known for their hospitality and carefree nature, often indulging in a natural curiosity for other peoples. Their Bohemian lifestyle has led many scholars to believe that they are descended from wood-elves who migrated across the sea to Al-Siddig from Wosterhiem, as evidenced by their usage of the Sindarin-Queyna language format. They are also amongst the most welcoming of outsiders into their culture, resulting in only 20% of the Sand-elves to actually posses the ability to reconnect with past lives.   Individual clans are loosely built around a Douser, a mage who has specialized in finding water. Answering to the Douser are Sand Guides, rangers who scout out ahead of the ever roving clan. These roles alone have formal recognition among the Harad'Nor, requiring prospective members of this order to undergo a walkabout initiation rite.   Some Sand-Guides take up the role of Reed Dancers. These individuals find planar gates to the Twilight Rushlands; a plane between the Material Plane, Feywild and Plane of Sweetwaters. They traverse this strange land between lands, guiding Clans who seek respite from the harsh winds of the desert.


Common Dress code

Loose flowing robes similar to the Bedouin, but lacking in cloth. Bare arms are normal as the natural resistance to sun and heat leaves them more comfortable with the hot weather.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Every four years there is a event held at the Emerald Oasis called the 'Mingling of Waters'.

Coming of Age Rites

Young Elves and half-elves may undergo a walkabout to find their place in the society.


Gender Ideals

Pure equality among genders.

Courtship Ideals

Sand Elf relationships adapt to and emulate the ever-changing environment around them. Group marriage is the trend among sand elf clans, with no formal recognition or vows taken.

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