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Earth - 2045

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Welcome to the neon-lit streets of Neo Bureris , a sprawling cyberpunk metropolis teetering on the edge of chaos. In the year 2045, technological advancements have transformed everyday life, with cyberware becoming as commonplace as the air we breathe. Yet, amidst the gleaming skyscrapers and bustling streets, a dark underbelly festers, where corruption thrives and the line between power and greed blurs.   As corporations tighten their grip on the city's economy and infrastructure, their influence seeps into every facet of daily existence. While the government struggles to rein in their unchecked power, the streets of Neo Bureris are rife with unrest. Street crime is on the rise, and entire districts have become lawless wastelands where even the bravest of police officers dare not tread.   You have been recruited into Unit 0 , an elite task force operating beyond the constraints of conventional law enforcement, you are thrust into a world of intrigue and danger. Operating on the fringes of legality, Unit 0 provides the government with the means to combat corruption without the shackles of bureaucracy. As a member of this enigmatic task force, you are granted unparalleled freedom to pursue justice in a city where the line between right and wrong blurs with every passing moment.