Arkham Sanitarium - 225 E Derby Street

This institution, supported partly by Commonwealth funds, is at the edge of town. For paying patients, who supply the great majority of the sanitarium’s trade, the cure chance is 45% per year. Indigents, while receiving adequate care, get little therapy; the yearly chance of a cure for a pauper is 20%. Normal in-patient treatment costs $110 a month. With fifty beds, Arkham Sanitarium is the largest such institution between Boston and Portland,Maine.

Dr. Eric Hardstrom, a hard working if uninspired man, heads the facility, and shares duties with two other physicians. A staff of twelve nurses and orderlies, a groundskeeper, and a maintenance man work under them. There are also small pathological and clinical laboratories. A number of the county’s doctors have staff status at the sanitarium.

The Arkham Sanitarium employs modem psychiatric treatments. Though the grounds are fenced and the sanitarium windows barred, restraints and strait jackets are rarely used. Sleep-producing and - alleviating drugs, dietetics, physical culture, hydrotherapy, and electric shock are often prescribed.



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