Augustus Larkin Character in Earth - Early 20th Century | World Anvil

Augustus Larkin

Augustus William Larkin

Several months ago, extensive press releases excitedly announced the discovery of a lost pyramid in Peru with tantalizing descriptions of the potential treasure and adventure contained within. The discover, Augustus Larkin was looking for experienced individuals to join the expedition into the jungle. If successful, the expedition will not only make the careers of the participants, but fame and wealth will also likely follow.

Augustus Larkin comes from a moderately wealthy colonial family in Kenya. His father and grandfather made their fortunes building railways. Larkin has failed to follow in their footsteps and is seen as a wastrel by his relations. He still receives a regular allowance from his family, which he uses to fund his travels, but he is no longer in regular contact with any of them. If pressed, Larkin avoids conversations about his family and his past in Kenya.

A successful Hard Language (English) roll or Extreme EDU roll identifies Larkin’s accent as Kenyan; those who fail may assume that he is English. Larkin makes no attempt to hide his country of origin if asked, although he states that he is still British.

If asked about his health, Larkin explains that he suffers from the long-term effects of malaria, which he insists does not affect his fitness for the expedition. The combination of these factors make Larkin appear obviously unwell. His skin is pale, there are dark circles under his eyes, and he sweats profusely, no matter the temperature.

Larkin is clearly unwell and while he blames it on a lingering case of malaria, it is clearly not the real problem. Whatever is wrong with him puts him in extreme pain which goes to lengths to hide.

Larkin manages the pain of his condition through increasingly high doses of heroin (currently legal in most parts of the world, including Peru).

An examination of Larkin's wrists reveal that they are nearly entirely black.

Larkin smells faintly of tainted meat, an odor he attempts to cover up with too much eau de cologne. The rank smell is noticeable to anyone who spends time with Larkin in an enclosed space, and a Spot Hidden roll confirms that it comes from Larkin’s person.

He has a large tattoo on his torso, although it will not be possible to detect more than its generally circular shape while he is dressed. The tattoo is an abstracted form resembling a large, ragged spiral that covers Larkin’s chest, radiating out from the center of his sternum. The spiral ends above his diaphragm, where it connects to a stylized, misshapen humanoid figure with large, outstretched hands that appear to end in claws.

Larkin is possessed by Nyarlathotep, which makes his life has become a waking nightmare. Enough of his memories and personality remain to allow him to appear to be the man he always was but, at the same time, he is little more than a passenger in his own body. Worse still, the presence of the outer god is causing him to slowly rot from the inside out.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A pale, thin white man with greasy blond hair and pale blue eyes. Despite his relative youth, his skin is saggy and he has noticeable bags under his eyes. Larkin’s white linen suit also appears baggy; an indication that he has recently lost a significant amount of weight.

Apparel & Accessories

Despite his obviously wealthy background, Larkin always appears somewhat disheveled and rumpled. His clothing is of fine quality but is never pressed and generally in need of laundering. He strikes you as someone who knows better, but simply does not care about his appearance.

Personality Characteristics

Personality Quirks

Augustus always wears expensive cologne in excessive quantities regardless of the occasion or setting.



Despite his tired appearance, Larkin is warm and friendly to everyone who meets him. He has a selfdeprecating sense of humor and is quick to make jokes about his poor health, although he always follows this up by insisting that it will pose no problems for the expedition.

Current Location
Year of Birth
1888 AD 32 Years old
Current Residence
Pale Blue
Greasy Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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