Ballard's Auto Lot - NW Corner of High Lane and Peabody

Harvey Ballard always has 2D6 used cars on the lot, for sale or rent, price depending upon auto and condition. Rental rates range from $1.50 a day for a rusting Model T to $5 daily for a gleaming Packard.

Ballard has connections with Boston auto dealers. At no cost to the customer, he’ll handle dealer arrangements and deliver your new car to your front door. He is paid a commission by those dealers. Ballard or his assistant is usually on the lot from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. A sign on the front door of the tiny office gives Ballard’s home phone number.

In 1928, a new Chevrolet or Ford Model A (both with 25 hp engines) could be had for $400-700. Six cylinder Dodges, Hudsons, or Buicks could run close to $2000; the big Chrysler Imperial 80 went for $3500. Eight-cylinder Cadillacs and Packards cost as much as $6000, while Lincolns run $4600–7400. The Packards, with a 39.2 hp engine, were the fastest of the lot until the newest Studebakers, with a top price of $2500, started appearing with a 43 hp engine powering the car to a speed of nearly 100 mph. For the well-heeled investigator, the new Dusenberg is available December 1. Sporting a 256 hp engine, this huge car has a top speed of 111 mph and matchless acceleration. The price of the chassis alone is $8500; coachwork goes for $2500 and up.


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