Circle Rite Lodge - 410 N. Peabody Ave

The Circle Rite Lodge is a small sub-group of Freemasons with chapters throughout the New England area, founded in 1890. Referred to by those in the know by its acronym only, the CRL is a so-called appendant body to the broader Masonic movement. This means that one must already be a Master Mason to join it. Members progress through a series of ceremonial observances, continuing to gain ever more impressive ranks and titles, the nature and purpose of which is kept secret from outsiders.

In practice, the Lodge provides an ostentatious series of bonding rituals for influential men. Their time together engaged in the various circle rites encourages them to develop business, social and political connections, which they apply to mutual benefit.

The oldest chapter of the Circle Rite Lodge headquarters itself in Arkham. Sugar magnate Jonas Stockton serves as its current Exalted Commander.

Social, Brotherhood


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