Dalton Cross

Dalton Cross (a.k.a. Stoneface)

Born to a wealthy family, Dalton rebelled against his father and joined the Canadian military in 1914. Awarded the Victoria Cross for his actions at the Battle of the Somme. He transferred to the US Army in 1917 and was severely wounded at the 2nd Battle of Marne. Semi-famous as war hero for both the Commonwealth and the US. Initially drawn to gambling for the purpose of thrill seeking, he found that he was quite good at reading people while remaining inscrutable.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Muscular, but asthmatic due to mustard gas exposure

Facial Features

Disfiguring facial scar has left him with a permanent half smile and no facial expressions.

Physical quirks

Trembles slightly unless he has been drinking

Special abilities

Extremely perceptive with a good memory. Capable of doing probability calculations on the fly.

Apparel & Accessories

Casually dressed, but on the high end.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to wealthy banking family in Ypsilanti, MI, he was raised and educated to be a businessman. After getting his degree in 1911, he was half hardheartedly pursuing a graduate degree when World War One broke out in 1914. He crossed the border into Canada to join the British Expeditionary Force and received the Victoria Cross at the Battle of the Somme. When the US entered the war in 1917 he was discharged from the Commonwealth Forces to take a position as a Lieutenant in the US Expeditionary Force. He again earned distinction for his actions in the Second Battle of the Marne, but was seriously wounded when a snipers bullet destroyed his jaw. Reconstructive surgery allowed him the use of his mouth, but left him without facial expressions. Lauded as a war hero, he quickly tired of that label and became a regular presence at the casinos. He loved the city's hedonistic lifestyle and took advantage of it's relaxed view of prohibition. He has been growing bored of late. His reputation keeps other skilled gamblers at bay and he spends most of his time fleecing unsuspecting tourists. Something he finds tedious in spite of it's profitability. He is estranged from his father, who was against his going to war and feels that his talents are wasted.

Gender Identity



Does not believe in love, which he feels is a type of ownership.


Attended Michigan State Normal College and graduated with a BS in Mathematics.


Lives off of his gambling winnings, a stipend from his wealthy family, and his veterans benefits.

Accomplishments & Achievements

War Hero, locally famous gambler

Failures & Embarrassments

Embarrassed by his posh upbringing and annoyed by people who call him a war hero.

Mental Trauma

Exposed to Mustard Gas and has phobia of restricted breathing

Intellectual Characteristics

Extremely perceptive and capable of quickly doing probability calculations

Morality & Philosophy

Nihilistic and Cynical. Sees everything as a zero sum game. Empathetic to the losers, but not willing to be one himself. Skeptical of authority due to bungling he witnessed by high command during the war.


Extremely protective of children and unwilling to harm them.

Personality Characteristics


Thrill seeker who has had a hard time adjusting to a "boring" civilian life after many years of combat.




Contacts & Relations

Friends with Kingpin Enoch "Nucky" Johnson and Mayor Edward Bader. Has worked with the heads of the D'Aquila and Masseria crime families of New York City as a ringer in poker matches to create leverage through debt.  He has connections from his military service in the US War Department and the UK Foreign Ministry. He has friendly rivalry with Nick "the Greek" Dandolos.  Recently he has been corresponding with a bright young Hungarian college student named John von Neumann.

War hero turned professional gambler who uses his perceptive nature, insight into human psychology, and a lack of facial expressions from his injuries to great effect at the poker tables of Atlantic City.

Current Location
Atlantic City, NJ
View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
February 26,1887
Ann Arbor, MI
Current Residence
Marlborough-Blenheim Hotel, Atlantic City, NJ
Blue Grey
Dark Brown
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Kindness must be managed just like money. Dole too much out and you'll go bust"
Known Languages

The scoop from Don Christo

Daniel Ellsworth moved trial to Boston. Son was killed, Wesley Ellsworth. Ellsworth construction company. Gazette Archives, immigrant woman Washington Street.


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