Desolate Highway Cafe - 387 W Armitage Street

University intellectuals, émigrés, the smart set, and bohemians with money like the tasty French countrystyle cooking. The owners, Reid Vandervelden and his partner Josh, occasionally sponsor exhibits or readings, but the attraction here is conversation, posturing, and flirting. Criminals will be bored.

Years ago Edward Derby often read his poetry to acquaintances here, and Derby’s friend Justin Geoffrey once delivered “People of theMonolith” to a table of listeners following his return from Hungary, shortly before he went mad.

There is a chessboard available, though none but immigrants play the game. The wide selection of current newspapers is of more interest. A few frequenters have access to opium. Customers known to the management can have wine served surreptitiously with their meals. Open 11:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M., and from 4:30 to 9:30 P.M., Tuesday–Saturday.

Pub / Tavern / Restaurant


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