E. Parrington, Gunsmith - 433 1/2 W Main Street

Edward Parrington is a skilled gunsmith who can repair or custom-tool many sorts of firearms. He reloads bullets to order, and may joke about the time “some nut came in and ordered 20 solid-silver bullets, then never picked them up” (keeper’s choice as to caliber). He stocks a variety of handguns, shotguns, and rifles, though never exotic weapons such as elephant guns. Unusual weapons requests are referred to Abercrombie & Fitch in Boston.


Arkham Gun Club

Parrington is president of the upper-crust Arkham Gun Club (dues are $50 yearly, by invitation only), which often meets at his shop. Asa Nichols, the chief of police, is the treasurer this year. Members have unlimited use of a shooting range northeast of Meadow Hill and invitations to a picnic in the summer, and sit-down game dinner in the fall.


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