Eye of Amara Society - 131 E Saltonstall St

Eye of Amara is a small, openly occult society making perfunctory gestures of respect to Christian belief to pacify the neighbors. Its members tend to be dilettantes, writers, artists, and other outlandish sorts who crave to harness the magicks that they intuitively believe exist. Membership is by invitation only and costs $30, plus annual dues of $25. Members must attend a minimum of ten of the monthly meetings (some held on nights such as Hallowmass and May Eve) and a member can be expelled at any time by majority vote. Membership in other mystic societies, such as the Masons, is strictly forbidden. An investigator who belongs to this society would be expected to tell of his Cthulhoid discoveries as they happened; withholding information is grounds for expulsion.

Meetings are mostly discussions. Few of the members believe enough in material magic to try to achieve anything except the same charismatic influence over others that their leader, Jason Gaspard, holds over them. Illegalities are rare; even alcohol is barred from the meetings.


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