Kenneth Heath, Private Investigator - 136 E Curwen Street

Heath is 34 years old, a veteran detective of the New York City police. He rents this storefront office along with the upstairs apartment. Three years ago Heath, while halting a bank robbery, lost the four fingers of his left hand to a shotgun blast. He was subsequently pensioned by the force. He and his wife, Madeline, moved to Arkham, her hometown, where Heath opened this office.

Heath is unexpectedly slight of build and wears wire-framed glasses. Not at all the Sam Spade type, Heath is a scientific criminologist and an intellectual. He dodges spousewatching jobs, if he can afford it, preferring to concentrate on more intriguing problems. Heath can be hired for $10 a day plus expenses. He owns his own car, a sporty Chevrolet roadster.


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