Kingsport Yacht Club

Set over the bay, is a 2 story stone building surrounded by well maintained exotic trees imported from more tropical locations. Great expense and care must be taken in order to keep them alive. There is a large deck that juts out over the slips below on the docks where members berth their boats. A doorman is almost always outside to keep the riffraff and curious away.

The Kingsport Yacht Club is a private men’s club located near the piers of that haunted city of the Miskatonic region. Wealthy patrician males gather here for private conversation, quality liquor, and to retrieve and smoke prized cigars stored in the club’s superb walk-in humidor. Priding itself on exclusivity, the club does not admit women, Jews, ethnics, or non-whites. It espouses no overt ideology, other than the rights of the privileged to sedately enjoy the perquisites of their stations in life.

The stately building on the water is impressive but also aging. The main building has a three story tower attached to the main two story building. The main building has extensive attic space which is partially finished but largely unused. The club keeps several rooms available for use by guests and members and Gardiner keeps a room and offices here as well. The building's boiler system is constant source of irritation and while a team of plumbers has recently been called in to work on it, they were ineffective in repairing it.

  • Oliver Gardiner - Current President
  • Addison Hogan - Vice President
  • Jesse Morton - Club Steward
  • Franklin Smythe - Door Man


The Yacht Club was founded in 1870 by the shipping magnate Oren Gardiner, patriarch of its leading family. The Gardiners acquired their wealth first as fishermen in Innsmouth, then expanded their holdings into a small maritime empire. Oren belonged to the fourth generation of wealthy Gardiners. His grandson Oliver Gardiner is president emeritus of the club today. He is aging and the vice president of the club is in charge of most of the day to day operations and no one is suggesting the older Gardiner step down even though he is largely a figurehead. There is currently no other Gardiner to take over the club and the future of the institution as a Gardiner legacy is now in question.

Founding Date
Social, Group


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