Manelli's Music Store - 321 1/2 W Main St

Keeping his prices low because of a favorable lease, Manelli does a brisk trade in sheet music, phonograph records, pianos, violins, and clarinets. Ukuleles are falling from favor, even in Arkham. Alberto Manelli also gives vocal lessons, still popular among those with aristocratic fantasies.

Popular songs in 1928 include “I Can’t Give You Anything but Love” and “Makin’ Whoopee”; in 1929 look for “Star Dust,”“Happy Days Are Here Again,” and “Tiptoe Through the Tulips.”

He was trained as a baritone in Italy, but forfeited his future when a tragic love affair forced him to flee the Old Country. He settled with relatives in Arkham. Flamboyant and demanding of his students, Manelli yells and screams, breaks furniture, tears out his hair, or cries with joy when he teaches. Twice-aweek lessons cost a dollar an hour.


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