Massachusetts Guard Armory - 560 Marsh Street

The National Guard is equipped and trained identically to the U.S. Army but is under the command of the individual state governors. Most members of Arkham’s Infantry Company B are residents of Essex County. B–Company is in the 1st Battalion of the old Massachusetts 23rd Volunteer Regiment, reconstituted since the GreatWar. Once a month these members put on uniforms and report to the armory for compulsory drill. Most train every summer at the state National Guard camp.

The company is far under-strength; only 56 guardsmen currently use the facility. Commanding is 55-yearold Colonel William Hathorne. His executive officer is Lt. Colonel Aubrey Bridgeton, 48. Major Charles Hart is responsible for the weaponry stored in the armory as well as the motor pool. Additionally, there are usually two or three lieutenants present. Sergeant Groat is directly responsible for the motor pool and keeps the keys for the unit’s two large trucks. This unit will not be fully motorized until after WWII.


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